The point is that there are hundreds of ways to make a little heat...even a piece of cotton for a wick and some old used engine oil or bacon fat... a pilot light on a gas stove....a few twigs in an old coffee can.....some charcoal in the barbie.....on and on.
No one said anything about a fireplace.

But there is only one result to the idea ..."I can't"


At 02:24 PM 9/12/2009 +0100, you wrote:
Trouble is, I haven't even got a fireplace here!  dee

On 12 Sep 2009, at 11:17, Ode Coyote wrote:

There's a whole lot of folx in Tennessee that believe a few wood scraps and a match works just as good as the power company.


At 04:23 PM 9/11/2009 +0100, you wrote:

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