Baking soda will produce silver carbonate, still a silver compound.


Garnet wrote:

"Once we heard about Paul and watched the interviews, we wanted to talk with him, to get the details of his experience using Colloidal Silver . . . Paul returned our call.

He started making Colloidal Silver for his friend and himself. He used distilled water and added sea salt to increase the conductivity of the water. The silver solution had a cloudy appearance as silver chloride is produced when salt is added. . . . Paul estimates that he continued to drink two tumblers a day (about 20 ounces or 750 ml) for three years or more.

Later Paul bought a unit from a second manufacturer to make his silver solution. He switched to adding baking soda to the distilled water to increase conductivity. This produces a solution with a golden color."

I don't think it is coincidence that every year at the beginning of flu season stories of CS causing argyria surface in the media. I also have to wonder how much the media pays someone for an appearance. Sota offered to supply an infra red sauna and supplements to help clear this man's argyria. He turned them down and continues to use
CS according to Sota Instruments page.


MaryAnn Helland wrote:
Hi Marshall. Thanks for the refresher. I don't remember a definitive answer as to what he was taking -- only speculation. How did we come to the conclusion that he was taking silver chloride, etc.? I totally do not remember any conversation at all regarding his going to sun-tan beds. Has he, to your knowledge, been made aware of what he did to himself? Last I heard, he was still taking his *colloidal silver* concoction -- until his revelations on TV this week. MA

*From:* Marshall Dudley <>
*Sent:* Friday, September 11, 2009 10:35:04 AM
*Subject:* Re: CS>The Blue Man

We covered and investiaged this back when he was first news. First of all he was not making, nor taking colloidal silver. It is simply not true. He was taking a very heavily loaded concoction of silver chloride and other silver compounds. I am certain there was absolutely no colloid in there at all. So we know that silver chloride will turn you blue, so there is no surprise there. Also he was going to sun tan beds after taking this photo sensitive silver compound, which of course fixed it into his skin, once again no surprise there. That his finger nail moon were not blue is no surprise, and not unexpected. Silver compounds are photo sensitive and end up in exposed skin exposed to sunlight or a tanning bed. Colloidal silver does not do this but circulates until the body's mechanisms get rid of it, the kidneys, the liver, and the hair follicles. The fingernail is essentially one big hair, and thus CS can accumulate at the root of it as well.

Please see for more information on this.

MaryAnn Helland wrote:
> I did not notice that, Dave (no blue moons). You're very observant!! Could a heart problem possibly create that hue of blue, though? I'm thinking not. MA
 > *From:* Dave Darrin <
 > *To:* <>
 > *Sent:* Thursday, September 10, 2009 9:45:01 AM
 > *Subject:* Re: CS>The Blue Man
> Did you notice his hands--There were no blue moons on his thumbs. Something that manifests first with Argeria. > He also indicated a heart problem--could have something to do with his color.
 > Dave
> On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 6:02 AM, MaryAnn Helland < <> < <>>> wrote:
 >    Did anyone see the Today show this morning?  The Blue Man was
 >    back.  The Today Show teased the television audience with the
 >    question "is he still blue?" and showed an outline of Paul
> (Whatever) backlit only so you had to stay tuned to find out. Well -- the answer is yes, he's still blue but seems to have lost
 >    some intensity of color.  But I'm wondering what the heck this guy
 >    is taking -- he made two statements during the interview that were
 >    absolutely baffling.  First he said that he has moved and that he
 >    can't make his "colloidal silver" where he's living now.  That
 >    does not compute.  If he's living in a tent without electricity,
 >    he can still make it with batteries.  Second -- he said that "it's
 >    very expensive to make".  These statements by way of explanation
> of why he's not taking CS at this time. Whaaaaaaaat????????? Expensive????? Someone refresh my memory -- didn't he refuse to
 >    give his recipe for what he's calling colloidal silver?  MA    >

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