I think our home made EIS would work just as well.  dee

On 17 Sep 2009, at 16:53, Day Sutton wrote:

On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 7:00 AM, Dorothy Fitzpatrick <d...@deetroy.org> wrote:
Good site Alan.  dee

On 16 Sep 2009, at 22:49, Alan Jones wrote:

Also:  http://www.cancertutor.com

Found this while surfing through the cancertutor site:

Cancer is actually caused by a microbe (a pleomorphic "cell wall deficient" bacteria to be exact). Once inside a normal cell the microbe blocks the mitochondria from being able to make ATP molecules and the cell must revert to fermentation to create energy (i.e. to create ATP molecules).

Thus, one way to cure cancer is to kill the microbes which are hiding inside of all cancer cells. If these microbes are killed it is a known fact that the cancer cells will be able to revert back into normal cells and normal cell metabolism (meaning the cells will be healthy again).

One of the theories as to how the grape cure works is that the grape juice gets inside the cancer cells (which it is known to do) and kills the microbes which are inside the cancer cells, thus allowing some or all of the cancer cells to revert into normal cells. A microbe cannot survive for more than a few seconds in pure grape juice. This may account for why the grape cure does not create any swelling or inflammation because no cancer cells may actually be killed by the protocol.

Another substance which kills microbes is colloidal silver. If colloidal silver were mixed in with the grape juice the grape juice might "carry" the colloidal silver inside the cancer cells with it, allowing the colloidal silver to kill the microbe(s) inside the cancer cells, thus allowing the cancer cells to revert back into normal cells.

In other words, the right kind of colloidal silver might supercharge, in a big way, the effect of the grape cure.

The brand of colloidal silver I recommend, by a wide margin, is ASAP Plus, which is 22 ppm silver. Do not let the 22 ppm fool you, this is very potent colloidal silver which has been tested by the FDA on many different kinds of vicious microbes.

To use this addition to the grape cure, mix 8 TABLEspoons of ASAP Plus in with the grape mush you make for a day's use. Eight TABLEspoons is actually equal to one-half of an 8 ounce bottle of ASAP Plus. Thus, you will need about 15 bottles of ASAP Plus a month.

Here is a vendor of ASAP Plus:
Vendor of "ASAP Plus" (22 PPM)

Day Sutton