Dear Silver-List. Ode at one time printed that we should save our solutions 
that are occupied with silver chunks or whatever. Put them in a gel selution. 
He sells them at his website called  for $20!  He also 
carries the famous Pocket Pup and the Silver Puppy with all his other Stuff!   
Regards, Larry

--- On Sun, 9/20/09, Ode Coyote <> wrote:

From: Ode Coyote <>
Subject: Re: CS>Sediment from SilverPuppy generator
Date: Sunday, September 20, 2009, 4:03 AM

  Mostly Silver Hydroxide, a product of Silver Ions meeting Hydroxyl 
Anions...sometimes some Silver Oxide and a little bit of metallic silver 
....and a product of whatever else was in the water that an Ion or Anion can 
react with to make an insoluble byproduct.

Ag [+] Ions and OH [-] Anions are produced in a 1 to 1 ratio, so why ALL of the 
silver doesn't make Silver Hydroxide and Silver Oxide is a bit of a 
mystery...but it mostly doesn't.

After the solubility limits of the water is reached, particles form.
High concentration zones can be local within the water, especially at the 
surface of the electrodes...the Nernst Diffusion Layer..which is why 
overloading that surface area with too many ions isn't a wonderful idea and why 
a limited  current density is important to prevent that from happening. [Which 
also makes the process pretty darned slow unless you have great big electrodes 
to spread more current over...which can get expensive in a hurry 'cause silver 
ain't cheap and making an electrode with little silver that presents a huge 
surface a metallic foam... is even more expensive than the silver. ]

The further past the solubility limits you go, [ somewhere around 30 uS] the 
more particles form, the more densely packed together, the more likely they are 
to collide and make big enough particles to sink.

Some particles become lodged in the surface tension of gas bubbles [Hydrogen / 
Oxygen produced by the electrolysis process] to be transferred to the surface 
tension of the water when they pop.
If those bubbles are very *heavily* loaded and aren't very big, they will sink 
and make a fluffy sort of sediment which will later release small particles as 
the gas in the bubbles is absorbed by the water.
You will see a white "mist" identical to that which can be observed streaming 
off one of the electrodes of a DC CS generator.

Warm water will hold less dissolved gas than cool water.
Warm water will hold more dissolved Ions than cool water.
Once a particle is made, it doesn't tend to matter *where* or 
*when* it was made.
But, depending on what is holding bigguns together as a crystal nucleus, 
Hydrogen Peroxide in very small amounts will scavenge something out of that 
nucleus and break them apart into the crystals little fractal arms...making 
littleuns outta bigguns and removing color.

Apparently, that something is the same as the black stuff on the electrodes 
that H2O2 will dissolve instantly...Silver Oxide...variously yellow, brown, to 
black in color, ..or no color apparent at all, depending on concentration of 
the particles in the water and the density of it within a given crystal 
lattice...along WITH, whatever particle size may be presenting a color due to 
size...variously blue, green or red as well as yellow in it's various shades.

But used too soon, H2O2 will actually Oxidize Silver Ions into a form of Silver 
Oxide that Peroxide won't dissolve.....there are 5 possible Silver Oxide forms 
[maybe more ] Tetrasilver Tetroxide?  [or maybe...Cowflopsilver Internetrite 
Bullhockium ]

What the hey...if it works, use it.


At 07:09 AM 9/19/2009 -0700, you wrote:
> What is the sediment made of? I always wondered that,
> thanks deb
> From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick <>
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, September 19, 2009 4:39:09 AM
> Subject: Re: CS>Sediment from SilverPuppy generator
> No you don't.  Just pour off the CS and leave the sediment behind.  dee
> On 19 Sep 2009, at 04:58, <> 
> wrote:
> > I set my SilverPuppy on manual for a while, and now I have a lot of 
> > sediment at the bottom of my jar. I think it fell off the electrodes as I 
> > was pulling them out.
> >
> > Do I need to trash this batch and start over?
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > Linda
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