To all interested list members.
                            The recent posts relating to CS/lower
alimentary tract environments prompts me to make a few comments.
Although certainly not a pundit, myself, I am privy to some rather
interesting research results relating to some of these considerations.
                First, our research---involving humans---revealed that
the lower bowel flora seems to exert an influence skewed more toward
maintaining an environment unfriendly to uncontrolled reproduction among
the more pathogenic inhabitants that might happen along.  The further
toward the exit point that food-bearing material progresses, the LESS
normal bacteria affects the digestive/assimilation
process.......excepting water extraction..
            The REAL  action seems to be in the upper reaches of the
small intestine. There are many more reactions occurring here......than
down in the lower gut.  The lower gut seems to more involved in water
conservation and in digestive "stripping actions".
Sad to say, few of us seem to realize how extremely important it becomes
to maintain the "minimum" state of hydration.  The brain first commands
"drought management" in the outlying, less life-critical   areas.  We
found that we could induce constipation in both animals and humans
through the simple expedient of a slight reduction in normally-required
protocols we have evaluated, so far;  the one showing the greatest
promise in resolving a multitude of the more damaging chronic
afflictions (most especially among the elderly) is,simply, adequate
water intake. We are currently in the midst of a most promising research
program evaluating this circumstance, and have been shocked at the
difference between how much water is actually required for continued
well-being-----and the small amount that most of our volunteers have
been accustomed to consuming.  We determined that a majority of our
volunteers were, habitually consuming 50% or less of the minumum
required amount of water for maintainiing a proper state of hydration.
Our research will conclude in about 60 days, at which time I will post a
general summary of our findings.
           Additionally, we found that Colloidal Silver has a tendency
to bind to certain types of solids and remain attached during its
complete journey through the lower bowel.  This occurs partly as a
result of  simple entrainment, and partly due to some mechanism of which
we have no present knowledge.
            Colloidal Silver did, indeed, reduce the general population
of friendly bacteria in the gut (especially the upper gut), by about
75%.  However, this occurred only after daily ingestion of rather
copious (8-to 14 oz) amounts of 10 to 20 ppm CS, by human volunteers
over a period of 5 to 7 days.  Friendly bacteria was quite easily
re-established through the administration of conventional supplements.
            Colloidal silver was the ONLY substance (from among 9,
including 8 conventional drugs) that displayed NO unpleasant or toxic
side effects.  Additionally, it was the most rapid-acting (including
anti-acids and bismuth commpounds) of anything used against PATHOGENIC
                I hope this information is of some value to your
research efforts.
                                        Sincerely.  Brooks Bradley.

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