> Hello list,
>         I have been making my own CS for about two years (thanks to
> Marsha for getting me silver and introducing me to the list) and
> have been reading this list for about a year.
>         Well I finally had my silver tested by a friend and it seems
> I am making in the neighborhood of 2ppm at best.  I always run my
> "CS generator" for 15 minutes at a time.
>         I know I may not be running it long enough, but it is also
> clearly time to clean my silver ingots.  How can this be done
> safely?  I am afraid commercial cleaners will add unwanted contaminants
> to my CS solution.  I also believe the conductivity has been getting
> very low due to tarnish.

I am using .040 silver wire for my generator.  After each batch (about
10-11oz) I remove the wires and wipe them down with a clean paper
towel.  I check current with a meter throughout the process(es) and my
times to a given current level are very consistant, the only variation
seems to be temperature, which I have not tracked, but would guess this
was the factor.  I have also heard that one of the plastic scrubbie
sponges (WELL washed out and used for nothing else) recommended.  I've
tried that, but seem to have better luck with the paper towels.

I suppose that if the silver is really cruddy and pitted, you could file
the ingot down.

I've just started the first batch using a VERY slow LV "AC" - switching
the polarity on the electrodes, I'm not completely sure what this is
going to buy me yet, if nothing else maybe a better distribution of
stuff on the electrodes.  I have, to date, gotten one electrode that is
BLACK and the other a fluffy grey.  Will know more as time progresses,
as noted this is the first time I am not using "conventional" plain ole
LVDC :-).

Hope this helps.

Take care, Vikki.
Victoria Welch, WV9K, DoD#-13, Net/Sys/WebAdmin,
"Walking on water and developing software to specification are
easy as long as both are frozen" - Edward V. Berard.
Do not unto others, that which you would not have others do unto you.

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