Directly, that is correct. It can kill other things though by killing the flora it needs for digestion. I found that out the hard way by having it tested on honeybees.


Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:
Silver cannot kill anything other than a single celled organism.  dee

On 30 Sep 2009, at 08:48, Fuzzmom wrote:

It was..pretty much for everything but I didn't think it was still the same...I thought it had undergone several changes since..aybe ot? I've also heard it's good for fleas? Is it? i"ve tried Everything..diatomaceous earth works some but not very fast and i am allergic to them. A mom dog brought them with her when dropped off and now the whole house has! Can you Bathe..diluted in it? And will silver..or can with fleas? Worms..etc?


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