Nope, in fact not since I started my daily consumption of EIS 4 years ago, I'll 
see what the next 4 years hold <g>.



Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2009 19:06:30 -0700
Subject: CS>FLU

I have been sort of monitoring the list and haven't seen any posts saying they 
had kicked up a flu bug.    So, have any of you folks been flu ridden?  My wife 
is considering a regular flu shot because she has developed a respiratory 
problem over the years and attributes it to mold in our house.  I refuse to buy 
into it because we have not had standing water or continuous lockage into wall 
cavities.  We do have a few small mold like stains on some sheetrock in our 
basement but I tell her she would probably se the same in any average basement. 
 She isn't considering H1N1 vaccine.  I haven't had a shot in 10 years and 
don't plan to have any in the near or distant future.
Let's have a show of hands.....anyone caught a flu bug this year?
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