The iodine might help. I also had been advised to try iodine and I put it off 
till about a month ago. I now use Lugol's daily and have cut back on my use of 
EIS because the iodine seems to be working for me. I don't know if it will help 
a cough though. .
One other change I have noticed is my whiskers turning from grey to black. 
Still seems odd to me when I look in the mirror. Been grey for 20 yrs and blond 
before that

.- Steve N

From: Leslie <
>To: <
>Sent: Wed Oct 07 23:54:37 2009
Subject: Re: CS>FLU

I either have the flu or pneumonia. Am beginning to feel better but have 
coughed myself silly, sore throat, and one blocked ear. Sinuses have bothered 
me for a month but kept up with the CS. That is all I have taken besides cough 
drops. I was not prepared for this and sure won't go looking for leaves. LOL 
I have been rather disappointed that the CS didn't knock it out as I drank a 
lot all through the day. Sprayed my face,nose, ears and throat. It's the cough 
that has been the worst. Did spit up some blood. 
Oh, Roger mentioned taking some Iodine along with CS. Would that help me?? I 
have some here. 
Oh, the mold problem mentioned, there is a solution. Get a spray bottle and mix 
3/4 Hydrogen Peroxide with rest water and spray away. Got this info from a man 
who helped with the FEMA trailers. You can also add to your clothes wash and 
will not discolor. I would avoid that shot no matter what. 
Best to all.