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Here is site for cheap on at Omron
Here again is my idea for a unit for whole rooms in record time.
At Home Depot they sell a sanding unit for Dry Wall, it is a bucket with lid
and hoses.
You hook up bucket to vacuum cleaner with water in bucket.
All air on inlet sanding side goes in to bucket and through water.
You need a wet/dry vacuum. Size is limited to size of vacuum cleaner and
only so much will go through 
Hoses on bucket, there is a port to lessen vacuum on unit. Too high a vacuum
and unit starts whistling.
This set up could do a room in record time. If using for animals you might
have to put out side room and pipe in
In as noise might bother animals. I do not have animals so I have not used
it for this, just got the idea, same principle 
As my Omron Nebulizer. Works great stopping  dust on sanding drywall.
Trouble is it could take 3 gallons on CS or mix some CS and water (I would
use distilled water) or just make
Extra CS and stock pile. I keep a stock pile of CS. I have an old water
bottle (actual glass) from water dispenser.
I keep full of CS I have a see through hose to bottom of Jug and hose is
longer than bottle is deep.
Bottle is up on shelf I have a hook to hang up hose on bottle neck.
Once the Siphon hose has CS in it you just drop hose end below bottle and
fill your container with CS.
When I get a gallon or so low I brew a batch of CS and add to bottle.
I also have several large plastic containers of Distilled water on shelf
(for Emergency) never had to use them.
I have my one 1 gallon distiller, each water container has several ounces of
CS in it.
I may have to eventually add more CS or I could use the water and distill it
again, as only thing in it is some CS.
It has been several years and water shows no signs of getting bad.
Do not over do it as a sick body human or otherwise can only purge bad
things so fast, in this case too 
Much too fast could do harm or kill.
If you had to detoxify a contaminated room this large unit could do the job.


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Caveats: NONE

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