I agree. Plus Bolan has targeted an organization which is one of the good guys, and for what reason I really don't know. He has targeted spamhaus, which for me prevents up to 10,000 spam emails a day from pharmaceutical companies selling things like viagra going into my mailbox. In fact the huge number of spams hitting my mail system was as high as 25 per second, and was crashing my server before learning how spamhaus would allow me to use their black lists of ips to block them before they even make it in.


sol wrote:
Marshall Dudley wrote:
I think basically an expose' on the quackbusters operation. Bolan especially can be pretty liberal with his comments using words like scum and so forth. I think basically the courts found that the use of such derogatory terms were merited by the actions of quackbusters and associates.
Bolen would be much more taken seriously if he would stop using derogatory terms, and flippant 7th grade insults. Not that his targets do not deserve them, but it makes him seem shallow and fanatical.
I know I respond much better to reasoned arguments without that stuff.
While I agree with Bolen on much of his writing about quackwatch, I cringe at the juvenile insults. Barrett, et.al. are quite bad enough that it should be easy to discredit them while using more adult language.

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