Thanks for the info.  too bad I didn't know about it a year ago.

-Ken Bagwell

From: Garnet <>
Sent: Fri, October 23, 2009 10:02:30 AM
Subject: CS>Vitamin D3 cuts premature birth risk and protects newborn babies

Vitamin D3 cuts premature birth risk and protects newborn babies

Powerful new evidence about the way that Vitamin D3 can reduce the risk of 
premature births and boost the health of new-born babies has emerged from an 
international research conference in Bruges. Delegates were told that mothers 
who were given ten times the usual dose of vitamin D3 during pregnancy had 
their risk of premature birth reduced by half and had fewer small babies.

Over the two and a half years of the study thousands of tests were made and 
monitored by an external safety committee. Not a single test showed any adverse 
effect of the large dose of vitamin D3. The average level of vitamin D in the 
women's blood increased by about 50 per cent.


In addition, the normally recommended level of sun exposure does not produce 
enough vitamin D3, according to a separate study reported at the Bruges 
meeting. Sunlight is the major source of vitamin D3 and so advice on sun 
exposure is crucial for health. Food cannot supply more than 10% of what is 


Previous studies have already shown that infants born to vitamin D deficient 
mothers may be at greater risk of low birth weight, lower respiratory tract 
infections, asthma, and weak bones.


However, of particular interest is that this study considered levels less than 
20ng/ml to indicate insufficiency. Vitamin D experts agree that levels less 
that 50ng/ml should be considered insufficient. Had the study analyzed the 
results using levels of  less than 50ng/ml as the definition of insufficiency 
the results would have been much worse.

Holmes VA et al. British Journal of Nutrition 2009 Sept; 102(6): 876-81
Institute of Medicine

Dr Chris Steele, ITV's This Morning supporting LDN

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