Just wanted to say that ALA varies greatly in quality and to
be sure it is not coming from China when you buy.

Dr Bert Burkson was head of ALA investigations for the
FDA when he was at the NIH. He uses ALA in treating
cancer, often by IV. He is now in private practice
and is the director of the Integrative Medicine Center of New
Mexico, located in Las Cruces, and is the author of
The Alpha-Lipoic Acid Breakthrough.



Dr Chris Steele, ITV's This Morning supporting LDN

Marshall Dudley wrote:
What advantage dos liposomal Alpha Lipoic Acid have over normal Alpha Lipoic Acid ?



Acmeair wrote:

Nov 5, 2009 03:05:44 PM, res00...@verizon.net <mailto:res00...@verizon.net> wrote:

    Aug 31, 2009 02:57:00 PM, res00...@verizon.net
    <mailto:res00...@verizon.net> wrote:

        hey sandy,  you're heading down the path that i am. let's keep
        the info stream acoming.  vita c, l-proline, and l-lysine is
        the linus pauling's heart recipe. kelp and tumeric are
        interesting.    thanks,    jim from  livingston

        Aug 31, 2009 02:03:45 PM, silver-list@eskimo.com
        <mailto:silver-list@eskimo.com> wrote:

            Hi all....
I guess at this point it could be said Brooks has created
            a monster. :)
After my first several batches of Vit C which continued to
            separate I decided to try a different Vit C powder. I came
to realize the C I bought at the health food store had buffers
            so I ordered a better C without any additives. While I
            waited for my C to arrive I decided to try making
            liposomal d-ribose. It turned out perfect!...nice creamy
            color with absolutely no separation. ah ha...I then felt
            sure when my vit C arrived it would turn out exactly as it
            was supposed to.
My C came today, I made it and it turned out perfect! So
            far I have also made liposomal L-Lysine and liposomal
            Alpha Lipoic Acid which also turned out perfect! B-Complex
            and Marine Kelp is next on my list. For some reason I
            cannot take iodine so I am hoping liposomal kelp will work
            for me.
Something else I did differently was to stop blending my
            lecithin for as long as I had before...maybe only 10
            seconds now. I believe these small adjustments make a
            difference. I also process my mixtures for 8 min [4 cycles
            in the UC] instead of the 6.
                         Did I mention turmeric? ha ha
                         Best regards...

            Sandy in Texas

            Live and let live...

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