Just to reassure everyone, yes, there was another outage last night. Things were working for about 4 hours (~8 to midnight EST), then down 'til about 3 or 4 am, before a tech got out to the colocation facility to physically reset some servers. Everything is working now.
I'm sure things will be a little unsettled for a time, but I expect them to become routine soon and we'll be okay, near term. Long term, however, the company will have taken a severe hit from this episode, losing a number of its business customers who bailed out and made other arrangements when things went dark and it seemed like Eskimo had just died. There's no way to guarantee they won't have to shut down at some point in the future due to financial stress. So, I will continue to pursue ways to assure we'll be able to stay in operation in that event. At least, I will be sure to: *** Keep a current backup of the member list at all times. *** Move the list addresses to the silverlist.org domain. *** Have plans in place to activate an alternate provider. At best, I'll finally build us a community site with forums and e-mail, and blogs, and wikis -- oh my! ... and a complete mirror site idling in the background ready to go any time the primary host fails. I'm off to tinker with rsync and cron... Peace, Mike D. [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian] [mdev...@eskimo.com ] [Speaking only for myself... ] -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down... List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@eskimo.com>