This seems to be about warts and something called SADBE!  Is this right?  dee

On 17 Nov 2009, at 12:06, Alchemysa wrote:

> Argyrol was the original 'mild silver protein' marketed from 1910 until about 
> the mid 1950's and prescribed by doctors, usually as nose drops. Argyrol and 
> similar products were responsible for most of the cases of argyria that are 
> now blamed on colloidal silver. (Including the famous case of Rosemary Jacobs)
> This FDA review reveals just how strong argyrol really was.
> Page 32 tells us Argyrol contained 20 to 40 milligrams of silver per 
> millilitre! This means it contained more silver in a few drops than is found 
> in a whole litre of our typical home brew colloidal silver. The full review 
> covers pages 25 to 45.
> So if Rosemary Jacobs was consuming about 4 drops of Argyrol a day for about 
> 4 years (as her story suggests) this is possibly the equivalent of 4 to 8 
> litres of 'our' colloidal silver every day for 4 years. But it gets even 
> worse because Argyrol was not ionic silver (like our CS), it was chemically 
> made and composed almost entirely of silver particles that were thousands of 
> times larger than the ions and particles found in todays electrolytically 
> made CS.
> David

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