How terribly sad and unfortunate. I take it that her MS was only in remission 
and had returned after her post in 2002? In her post she seemed intelligent, 
determined and capable. Very sad. 
 - Steve

----- Original Message -----
From: Alchemysa <>
To: <>
Sent: Fri Nov 27 18:12:07 2009
Subject: CS>MS cure - Nancy delise.

Nancy Delise and a female friend (also with MS) drowned in a motel  
hot tub (next to the swimming pool) while trying hot water therapy.  
The circumstances were so odd that the police assumed it was a  
bizarre suicide pact. The families stated that was ridiculous and  
insisted on a closer examination.  Police later concluded it was just  
a tragic accident.  Apparently heat can incapacitate MS sufferers.   
(MS sufferes have confirmed this to me). By the time the two ladies  
realised they could not move their muscles it was too late.  So they  
simply slipped to the bottom of the tub and drowned. Very sad. Nancy  
was a contributor to this and other silver groups.


> From: "Del" <>
> Date: 28 November 2009 4:11:10 AM
> To: <>
> Subject: Re: CS>MS cure
> Nancy Delise and her friend are dead now, you know.
> He death in a motel hot tub was labeled suicide, but I never  
> believed that.
> Some very unfunny business here:
> 2.336750.html
> Del

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