But my friend was *really* sick too, but wouldn't take the silver, much better 
put trust in the doc and his ABX.s!  dee

On 4 Dec 2009, at 01:18, Silver Smith wrote:

> Dick,
> I agree.  There seems to be universal "resistance" or deception maybe be a 
> better term.  I did stint as a Lab Manager for a hospital lab in the Duke 
> Healthcare System.  Shortly after I arrived, we began having a personnel 
> shortage due to sickness.  I decided to pull out my "CS solution" for the 
> personnel shortage and began to offer it to people.  Several were "game" and 
> had almost miraculous responses.  One lady that was sick that I offered it to 
> looked at me as if I was from another planet. However, two wweks later she 
> was still sick. So I asked her IF she wanted to get well? (Remember she was 
> right in the middle of the Duke Healthcare System but nothing they tried 
> worked)  She said yes so I went and got her some.  She was well in two days 
> and singing the CS praises.  I think the "misery factor" opens people up to 
> it?
> After that I began to have people show up at my door asking for "some of that 
> silver stuff".  When I left there were over 20 employees of the Duke System 
> that were using CS.  We even did some testing with CS in the Micro Dept.  And 
> it did great in MRSA (methicillin resistant staph aureaus).
> SS

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