There are many books on growing mushrooms...but few which enable the BEGINNER to be successful, early on. The principal reason is that to avoid contamination, the equipment and
sterile procedures required necessitate (in general) quite stringent, uncompromising, techniques. I have most of Paul Stamets' books (together with many more by other authors). However, the most useful books which I have in my library are by a self-published author....Randall R. Wayne, Phd. His hydrogen peroxide based procedures are---in my opinion---an order-of-magnitude easier to follow, infinitely more simple and.....really effective, in avoiding large expense....and failure.
I include, within this post, a url accessing a section of Dr. Wayne's general website....for those interested in investigating this. I suggest you click on the third bullet from the bottom of the first page of text (one which refers to How do I order the Peroxide Manual). It will take you to another site. Now click on the statement which says "I need Information on ordering inside U.S. and Canada". This will take you to the ordering selections.
I suggest you consider selecting the first option, at the top. It is the one which gives you both the hard copy and email versions of both manuals.for about $43.00 (including shipping). If you purchase these books individually from booksellers, only one printed copy of volume I, will cost you almost as much.
I do not know Dr. Wayne and am not recruiting sales for his endeavors.....I just found his methods and instructions to be of
the greatest value to my beginning attempts. By far, the GREATEST challenge---FOR ME---was avoiding spore contamination. Once the mycelium is up and problem.
I do encourage those list members who have the interest for pursuing the raising of their own become actively involved in actually doing it. The rewards are considerably greater than just acquiring an economical supply of mushrooms (at least in my case they have been).
Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.

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