ROFL(mao) MEOW, #...@*%, Hisss <grin> Hey...where's my mouse?
Sorry folks, obviously my REPLY msg. was not-finished, or-ready, to
be SENT earlier...Mr. CAcTus (yes, 15 lb. Cat), walked on Keyboard!

So for-now anyway...please disregard my last msg.... may try, later?
My intended reply would have been rather-lengthy anyway, but just a
little TEASER so you STAY-TUNED for longer Prime-Time version...?
FYI: Ya can make EIS with ULF-AC Generator ckts. @ Freq. <.01Hz!
Also no-one ever mentions Polyphasic AC & BiPhasic DC, on multiple
Electrodes to create 2D Ion-Trajectories (no STIR needed) etc...Hmm?
Nothing new in physics (owner of CS Y-GrOpE on this...died 2yrs ago)
but CS Engineering group never was advertised due to lack-of-interest?
Personally knew Owner/Ernie years earlier in Cathodic-Protection area.  
(Much of his electro-chemistry knowledge, was never publc) 
Warning remember old 3D Movies & Comic Books with the Red+Green
Lens in Glasses we had to wear to see 3D...NEVER cross Red+Green
Laser Pointer beam's when lQQking for TYNDALL, or who-knows-what?  Gee don't anyone tell NEVIL,
that BLUE-RAY  (405 nm) Laser can locate smaller-size particles, than
RED & GREEN Laser Pointers...Yes, check out [photospectrometers]?
(Was it Nevil, said I was blowing BLUE Smoke lQQking at tiny-particle)   
Several other multi-trode tricks...even 2:1 Ag (surface area) multiplier~
or other than 1:1 Trode~Driver tricks...that can alter (pH) Ag+/OH- mix
Well this gets a little too complicated for here and needs more space? 
HVDC also works. but no obvious advantage and to add yet even more
food for thought...Copper & Silver close together inside insulated pipes
where Water Velocity/(pump speed) can be used to move/carry a fresh
ION away quickiy from Nernst region near E-Trodes, works without HV.
If ya need Gallons-Fast...HVAC~OK. but LVDC is Safer, Better & FUN!
I prefer EIS variations on multi-trode/BiPhasic/LVDC @ Lower (I) limits.
If not in timed-race...I can brew excelent 20~25ppm EIS with $15 ckts 
Batt, Current (adj.)/limiter, Blue Led-(ppm-estimated) EOB scale, DIY*!   
(Good news is...EIS...don't need Degree in Physics/Electro-Chemistry)
Oh well, have to go see where Mr. CAcTus ran-off to, with my MOUSE!
This may take me a day or two to get the MOUSE back, so hang-tight.

--- On Sun, 12/13/09, Dok Dallas <> wrote:

From: Dok Dallas <>
Subject: Re: CS>Re: ac or dc?
Date: Sunday, December 13, 2009, 3:18 PM

Let me throw in some over looked scientific details/(facts) that are never 
mentioned, when the HOW-TO-BREW & LVDC/HVAC &   

--- On Sun, 12/13/09, Richard Goodwin <> wrote:

From: Richard Goodwin <>
Subject: Re: CS>Re: ac or dc?
Date: Sunday, December 13, 2009, 5:49 AM

I was thinking high voltage AC, like 10-15 kv.  

Perhaps the 60 hz ac doesn't work well because it switch so fast, it doesn't 
give the silver particles time to separate far enough from their electrodes, 
and they plate right back onto them in the reverse cycle?  

If that is the case, then better stirring, or flowing of the water might help.  
I haven't tried ac yet, but will as soon as I can get a transformer.  I keep 
missing them on ebay. :-)

I use DC now -- high voltage to start a fresh batch, and gradually lower it to 
limit the current.  Electrophoresis power supplies are readily available on 
ebay.  Switching polarity makes them work much better.  So one question would 
be:  what is the optimum switching rate?  


From: Alchemysa <>
Sent: Fri, December 11, 2009 6:48:52 PM
Subject: CS>Re: ac or dc?

Genuine low voltage AC doesn't work at all. (i.e. a low voltage 50/60hz. AC 
wall adaptor). There a few low voltage AC adaptors around so don't mistakenly 
try to use one.

It has to be DC (or DC with polarity swapping).


> From: Richard Goodwin <>
> Date: 12 December 2009 4:49:46 AM
> To:
> Subject: CS>ac or dc?
> Which do you think works better for making EIS, DC that you have to switch 
> polarity on every minute or so, or AC, assuming everything else is equal?
> Dick

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