Dear Steve,
Your wife has my heartfelt sympathy. I suffered from PRONOUNCED ankylosing spondylitis
for many years (between ages of 30 and 50), during which interval the allopathic community failed to gain ANY distinct relief.....for me. My case was considerably aggravated by the fact I have a congenital deformation of the 5th lower lumbar (a region which very often presents a major insult). Circa about 1980, I was forced to start sleeping on an inclined
2" X 12" X 8' wooden plank......with the head-end resting on the outer edge of a heavy captain's order to obtain any measurable degree of pain relief-----not to mention sleep. By 1990 (via continual pain killers, hot saunas and a HIGH-tenison, compression-type spinal brace), the discomfort....and outright pain, although episodic in nature----had reached a point that nothing I attempted effected any measurable pain reduction....for any extended period of time (hours). Quite serendipitously, I stumbled across a medical article by some Chinese researcher....on the benefits of utilizing gelatin obtained from cattle carcasses (plain
Knox-type) aiding in the re-establishment of eroded cartilage-type tissues. As a "drowning man would grasp at a straw", I initiated a protocol which included a pronounced intake of Knox gelatin (about four small boxes daily). I began to enjoy noticeable improvement within 5 days....and PRONOUNCED improvement-----within 20 days. Overjoyed, I informed my associates of this splendid turn of events. Several of them (five, in fact) were experiencing similar....if not as overpowering....disagreeable spinal presentations. All five initiated my basic protocol. When two of them reported similar WONDERFUL results,
as mine....three reported little, if any, marked relief. Puzzled, I closely interrogated each as to their EXACT protocol. At first I could determine NO detectable variation....but upon more refined questioning, I determined there was one, fundamental difference. That, being that the two positive responders were consuming a second glass of water with each dosage (with 8 ounce glasses, this equals 32 ounces of additional water). As this research occurred some years prior to Dr. Batmanhelidj's seminal work on the very powerful effects
of systemic dehydration upon the human had never occurred to me (OR the allopathic medical community) that chronic dehydration was such a powerful player in a very large number of chronic/systemic afflictions suffered by humans.....most especially OLDER ONES. Upon repeating the original protocol, with the addition of the added water intake,
all three of the volunteers experienced very powerful improvements. Two enjoyed considerably better gains in general relief over the next 30 days, and the third individual did gain what he described as "enormous pain abatement". Four of the five original subjects required no additional address, of any kind, other than a scheduled increase in daily water consumption. The fourth, gained very significant relief, but continued to "backslide" on maintaining his increased water intake....resulting in periodic relapses.
Additionally, I was spurred to investigate the condition of chronic dehydration in the elderly (65 and over), and was shocked to find that the "thirst reflex" in persons (especially men) diminishes as much as 50%-----and, sometimes, is life-threatening" ------
without ANY recognizable medical or behavior symptoms.
I hasten to advise that over the immediately past 17 years we have learned of other improvements in personal healthcare which have resulted in a vast improvement in addresses for arthritis......especially articulating-joint presentations. I do not have the time, at present, to elaborate in detail, on all of our useful discoveries (the bulk of which are at present known to the entire alternative community), but will add a brief statement as to what we have experienced to be one of the most effective and economical.....general....protocols, for supporting acceptable joint health in human beings.
One simple regimen is as follows: MSM---6 grams as a prophylactic); Glucosamine Sulphate----2000 mg; Chrondroitin---3000 mg (either as a purchased supplement or in the form of a nutritional gelatin); 1 heaping teaspoon of marine kelp (acts as a wide-spectrum catalyst--for many systemic reactions; while optional, the following is strongly recommended for ANYONE who has had articulating-joint compromises at ANY point in their health history: CMO---1 level teaspoon, preferably divided into two doses. This is only a prophylactic dosage.....and far to small for addressing major insults.
While we have experienced very acceptable results from MANY different substances, found outside of the allopathic nostrums, those listed above yielded the most favorable responses.....considering efficacy , non-toxicity , and cost economy.
Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.
O,S. My apologies for such a lengthy post, but this is an area of general health that is very significant to me....and I have the scars to prove it.
For those of the list membership who are unaware of his work, I can do no better than to recommend Dr. Batmanhelidj's fascinating book " Your Body's Many Cries for Water".
I can assure you that you will find it to be quite well as informative.

---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------

Subject : CS>Spinal Arthritis

Date : Sun, 20 Dec 2009 10:05:53 -0700

From : "S&JY" <>

To : "Silver List" <>

My wife has been diagnosed with arthritis of the spine, as confirmed by MRI.

This causes her severe pain, compounded by the effects of fibromyalgia.

Question for list: CMO helps with arthritis of joints, and the spine is a

series of connected joints. Does anyone know if CMO, or any other similar

"medication", can help with spinal arthritis?


Steve Y.

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