careful here.  Carbon DIoxide is necessary for you to breathe.  Carbon
MONoxide can kill you.  So is carbon a toxic or a nontoxic element?
Some people need iron supplements to prevent anemia, but for other people
iron supplements could be fatal (hemachromatosis patients).  So is iron a
toxic or nontoxic element?

The point is although CS may be nontoxic in itself, the potential to react
with other substances to form harmful compounds needs to be investigated.

In this case I don't think there is anything to worry about.

-----Original Message-----
From: Sam Earle <>
To: johnphil <>
Date: Friday, August 27, 1999 6:26 PM
Subject: CS>Re[2]: CS and braces

>j> The question about CS and braces and dentures makes me wonder if it
>j> would harm metal fillings.  Discoloration wouldn't matter but wouldn't
>j> want to harm my fillings from swishng CS or if there would be a chemical
>j> reaction that would release something toxic.   John
>Your metal fillings are toxic to begin with. How could a
>non-toxic element like silver make them more so?
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