Mike, please put me on unsubscibed  status
    ....I may not know how to type properly for some,  not interested in 
learning and was more interested in sharing my knowledge.  At my age  I prefer 
bold lettering and larger  print....easier to see, easier to pickup if your 
trying to  copy webb site.  I had something  to share,  interested people 
personally contact me. I  don't take the time to answer all requests, because 
of time and my typing.  Anyone with this illness will sort through 
information....I learned the  hard way. My illness has caused me to study about 
mold issues. I have suffered from brain fog and comprehension is poor  from 
illness.  I recently took oxycodone for pain. I cut and  paste when ever I 
can, which accounts for different colors of print and  font. My experience 
is... I credit cs for improving my health. I am  excited about my results, 
education received from books indicated ....  supplements swallowed.....and use 
of fir sauna. Thank you Renee for  understanding.......