Hey all you health seekers,

I've got a few questions about silver before I buy my machine.. as I'm gonna 
get all the associated 'stuff' as well..

1.  STORAGE I'm thinking I should store in glass.  I just washed out a nice 
apple juice glass bottle with a handle and thought should the glass be dark, or 
can I use clear glass with a covering like tinfoil or black paper round the 
outside to keep out the light?

2.  SILVER GEN AND THE JAR TO USE UNDERNEATH IT The silver gen will apparently 
output the CS into any jar?   Any recommendations - like mason jars?  I'm 
wondering about the sterility of glasses. I don't have a dishwasher.  Is it 
important what I wash my glasses in and if so what do you recommend.

3.  SILVER DOSAGE BOTTLES  I want to make this to keep us health and to give 
away to women's groups with a view to selling it at half the price of the 
cheapest colloidal on the market or exchanging it for other commodities like 
honey, food etc. 

What kind of bottles would you recommend for this? Any ideas where to get them 
and a source of labels ?  I can research this but if you have something just 
there and can paste it.. that would save more time.  

 I use MMS right now and the place we buy from sells it in plastic blue bottles 
plus a blue plastic bottle for the citric acid mix.    I bought some silver a 
while back at wholefood, silvergenesis, and that was in a blue plastic 

Is plastic bad in all cases ?  should I seek out glass bottles for portioning 
it out.

4. DOSAGE - I want to use silver as a regular daily item in our intake.  Is 
this OK? My husband made me laugh saying we might drink a pint of it a day. I 
don't think so.  Is there any recommended amount that you'd recommend as a 
daily dosage [assuming we're not plagued by a specific ailment in which case I 
know you all have lots of ideas on how to use silver that way] 

5. WHERE TO BUY Any leads on where to find good bottles, low cost?  I also want 
spray bottles, so that I can spray my gums.

6. SILVER TESTING METERS  I hear you all talk about ppm and associated things.. 
and meters for testing silver. I'd like to do this and be able to say my silver 
is of x consistency.   Anyone recommend any good [low cost] meters.

Gosh whatalota questions... so thanks for any suggestions...
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