Perhaps it was the Australian Bush Flower Essences   treatment of diabetes?


The Peach Flowered Tea Tree is the main essence for regulation of blood
sugar but IF it is brittle diabetes then the immune problem and Waratah
might also be needed.


I would recommend the book 

"Australian Bush Flower Healing" by Ian White ISBN-10: 073380053X

This group is mostly for people using Australian Bush Flower Essences 





From: Carlene Yasak [] 
Sent: January-15-10 11:06 AM
Subject: CS>Question about diabetes


To Marshall and other contributors to the list,

An alternative treatment for diabetes was mentioned some time back that was
very interesting.  I seem to remember that one of the posts concerned
Marshall's wife.  I can't find it in my silverlist file.  If anyone
remembers this, could you please post it again and bring us up to date on
any further developments. 

Thank you for this and also for all the many posts on this list explaining
how things work and sharing your experiences.   It's very helpful.

Blessings to you all,