Hi Dee,
Hope your friend is taking CoQ10 ( ubiquinol) along  with the statins. That 
could be the reason she is experiencing (muscle?) pain in the  legs & feet.

--- On Fri, 1/22/10, Dorothy Fitzpatrick <d...@deetroy.org> wrote:

From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick <d...@deetroy.org>
Subject: Re: CS>Silver..  a nerve cell toxicant or cell protector?
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Date: Friday, January 22, 2010, 6:27 AM

Well as far as I can see David, anything that is maybe cheap to make and 
effective in keeping people healthy, will be rubbished by anyone remotely 
connected to Big Pharma for obvious monetary reasons.  After all, *why* would 
they want us to cure ourselves?  There wouldn't be anything in it for THEM 
thats why!  And the worst aspect of it for me is that the drugs made by THEM 
don't get the bad publicity that they should, unless a disaster of huge 
proportions occurs, like thalidomide for instance, and Vioxx.  There must be 
hundreds, if not more people being damaged by statins, but people will keep 
taking them because their doctors prescribe them.  I have a friend who is on 
them and her memory gets worse by the day, and her feet and legs are so painful 
now; but she still keeps taking statins because she thinks it is 'old age' or 
being overweight that is doing it.  I said, well in that case everyone our age 
and size would be the same!  She won't listen
 though.  dee

On 22 Jan 2010, at 01:43, Alchemysa wrote:

> It always gets me how these taxpayer funded researchers can find potential 
> problems associated with drinking colloidal silver but they never seem to 
> research the potential benefits.
> Also theres a double standard here. LAB tests proving the germ killing 
> properties of colloidal silver are not accepted as proof by the likes of the 
> FDA that CS is effective in real life.  Yet this lab test will no doubt 
> become gospel that CS is dangerous to humans in real life.
> I havent read the entire paper (and probably wouldnt entirely understand it 
> anyway) but the abstract makes this interesting observation concerning low 
> doses of silver...
> "However, in differentiating cells, the lower concentration produced an 
> entirely different pattern, enhancing cell numbers by suppressing ongoing 
> cell death and impairing differentiation in parallel for both 
> neurotransmitter phenotypes."
> Does this mean that low doses of CS would actually improve neurodevelopment?
> David

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