At 12:17 PM 1/23/2010 -0500, you wrote:
You need to open your eyes, too, ode. You're not aware of what's happening onlky namecalling. How small is that?


  You don't know our years long "history"
..We've had some communications about this and other things over the years....BIBLE thumping liar and weasel

Barwick quotes scripture when he gets cornered, says *I'm running a BUSINESS here and you're just small fry....I spend hundreds of thousands on advertising* that justifies everything and I give a hoot about getting big, never actually HELPED a competitor, or just because a LOT of people get ripped off believing his bullsh*t, it's all just fine. [At the time, he was selling his stuff for $400+ and making impossible claims about what it did ]

Ya know.. if he was actually "honest", he'd not have to spend a dime on advertising. Word of mouth is a bit slower, but is far more powerful in the long run.

Barwick emailed me directly in an email spam campaign.
Had he not, I'd not have bothered with him..[again]...I'm actually surprised that he responded.
But not surprised at how.

An unequivocal statement "Colloidal silver has indeed been banned throughout Europe. "...then buried in a 3 part text, a denial of making that statement. But why would I even bother to read all that crap when sources *In the UK* say the original statement isn't true? [It's not that I can't read..I DIDN'T read past the screamers, having checked out the original statement before getting the spam and knowing beforehand there wasn't anything there worth reading ] ..and also having had words with that turkey in the past...actually nice helpful offer to help him make his ad copy make some sort of sense so he didn't look like an idiot to anyone with any sort of scientific acumen.. turned rotten with a venomous stream of sociopathic god-speak in reply. ..which makes it clear that his ad copy was **intentionally** conflicted confusing carefully crafted misleading nonsense... a "Phishing expedition" to intentionally select the gullible and intellectually defenseless. [It's not that he can't write nonsense as well as any slime lawyer ]

My ex brother in law used to brag about making a fortune selling very expensive Encyclopedias to illiterate people that could barely afford to yea, a bit of a raw nerve there concerning con men and "professing" Christians doing "business" using religion as a base ball bat to beat down any protest from a burned "believer".

BTW My Bro in Law later turned himself into a Morman married the daughter of one of the elders and moved to Boise ...good luck Mormans. [Mind your pockets, there be a shark swimming around in the lint. ]


[The SPAM]
Hi, Steve Barwick here, for <>

Colloidal silver has indeed been banned throughout Europe.

Ive verified it through my contacts in Europe, which include Europes most respected health freedom organization, the ANH. .......................

From: odecoyote  [The reply]
Sent: Sunday, January 17, 2010 6:13 AM
To: Steve Barwick
Subject: Re: Colloidal Silver Banned Throughout Europe, Part II

My sources in the UK say that CS is still being sold there and that only the labeling requirements have changed. It can no longer be sold as a "Supplement" and is now sold under the more accurate heading of "disinfectant", like in Australia for the past many years.

But thanks for the dis-information and the sales pitch.


At 04:53 PM 1/17/2010 -0800, you wrote: [the response]
I said it has been banned as a "food supplement," ken, and it has. No disinformation. You just have to be able to read above a third grade level.


Date: Mon, 18 Jan 2010 10:33:08 -0500  [ turkey.]
To: "Steve Barwick" <>

Subject: RE: Colloidal Silver Banned Throughout Europe, Part II

Sales speak that requires such close inspection is clearly intentional deception in the context of the intentional fear triggers....."manipulator". "Truth" intended to be understood doesn't require lawyers to figure it out OR "careful reading".
 An honest person doesn't need "fine print".
Slick salesman...the second worst sort of liar.

"Colloidal silver has indeed been banned throughout Europe." is a LEAD.. to a mis-lead...'Bait and Switch" no way around it, con man.

Clearly Stated in a non manipulative manner: Europe has changed the labeling requirements for the sale of CS from being sold as a supplement.... It is still being sold in stores.

Anything less clear is intentional dis-info... jackass.
and you KNOW it.

It's tough enough to be intentionally clear without using liars language to be intentionally opaque with meanings and mis-communicate on purpose thump your bible at me. [He didn't, **this** further communication.]
The worst of all liars.


At 03:13 AM 1/17/2010 -0800, you wrote:

..........................And Ive just now posted Part II of my 3-part series on this topic, which you can read at the <>Colloidal Silver Secrets blog (see January 17, 2010 posting).

Youll learn how the ban happened, why no one acted to stop it, and what this ban across the worlds single-largest economic market ultimately means to U.S. colloidal silver consumers.

Nothing to Fear

Of course, if you own the means of colloidal silver production, you have nothing to fear from a similar ban taking place here in the United States.

Why? Because by owning your own high-quality colloidal silver generator, it wont matter what the medical bureaucrats do. They simply cant stop you from making all of the safe, natural colloidal silver you want, any time you want, in the comfort and privacy of your own home.

In short, owning a high-quality colloidal silver generator is the one sure-fire way you can beat a forthcoming ban on colloidal silver here in the U.S., and thumb your nose at the medical bureaucrats in the process.

Take Back Your Power

If you resent being herded like cattle into the clutches of the medical monopoly, then learning how to make and use your own colloidal silver is one of the most significant actions you can take in order to free yourself from the encroaching grip of medical totalitarianism.

And the new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator makes it easy for you. Best yet, for a very short time you can still save a whopping ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS on this remarkable new breakthrough in home colloidal silver-making technology. [The very SAME one sold 10 years ago ?? ]

You can learn more about making your own colloidal silver with a high-quality Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator, by clicking <>here.

Finally, be sure to go to the link in the third paragraph above to read Part II of my 3-part series on the European colloidal silver ban.

Regards and great health the natural way!

Steve Barwick

On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 10:31 AM, Ode Coyote <<>> wrote:

It's a "Steven Barwick" hoax to sell his generators through intentional assumptive trickery...the weasel.


At 08:57 AM 1/21/2010 -0600, you wrote:
This European ban has been found to be a internet hoax. Some regulations were added to labeling, but that is all.


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