thanks for the reply Ode, I actually *meant* to run on the 'generator' not the 
meter! Tch, tch, senior moments again!  dee

On 24 Jan 2010, at 15:06, Ode Coyote wrote:

>  Using the meter won't hurt anything, just be aware that when conditions are 
> different, you need to alter the "Eddicated Guesswork" some.
> That also applies to using Auto Off circuity that uses conductivity [like a 
> meter does].. there may be more silver there than normal and not show up and 
> take quite a bit longer to build up Ionic conductivity as more of it is 
> crystallizing at a lower saturation point, if it's cold ....and cold water 
> itself is considerably less conductive than warm, further adding to the time 
> it takes to add Ionic conductivity on top of the lowered water conductivity.
> Just the other day I discovered how much difference there can be, when I ran 
> 2 batches in my cold house using water that was the same temperature and they 
> took about 5 times as long as when run in the summer using similar water. [I 
> don't do a lot of "heating and cooling" ]
> But all the factors don't add up to 5 times as much *silver* in the 
> water..."maybe" 5% more? [as a wild guess]
> Ode

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