Prunes have been found to ingrease HGH. 
- Steve N


From: Pat <> 
To: <> 
Sent: Sun Jan 31 17:15:10 2010
Subject: Re: CS>Hair Growth? 

The HGH precursors are so expensive or I'd be tempted to use them.  

Several people on the BoneSmart forum have noticed increased hair growth on 
their knee when it's warm and healing from a joint replacement. I kept noticing 
hair growth on my knee and wondered how on earth I kept missing shaving it.  I 
figured it was because it was numb.  Turns out it was just growing super fast.  

If someone could find a way for men (and some women) to grow hair, they might 
be rich!  Baldness on a woman is a rough thing to deal with (I know a couple 
whose hair is getting very thin.)   I do like bald heads on some guys, though.

