I am also interested in purchasing some colloidal silver that may be available 
in ointment and/or eye-dropper form.  Does anyone know where I could purchase 
anything like this?
Tia, Cindy
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Cindy Powell <suns...@networld.com>
    To: silver-list@eskimo.com <silver-list@eskimo.com>
    Date: Tuesday, September 07, 1999 8:57 PM
    Subject: CS>Colloidal silver as rabbit medication/antibiotic
    Can anyone suggest an appropriate C.S. dosage for a rabbit? I am thinking 
of just putting it in his drinking water, for a while (how long, and what ppm 
etc??)   in hopes of wiping out a pasteurella bug that he is battling.  I can't 
find any websites regarding animals and colloidal silver.  Would appreciate 
hearing from you experts.
    Thanks in advance,