Can you use cheese making lipase for this?

-          Steve N


From: sms [] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 6:37 AM
Subject: Fw: CS>CMO Comment. . . . .Brooks Bradley - lipase



This one?





-------Original Message-------


From: Brooks Bradley <> 

Date: 11/16/09 09:34:55


Subject: CS>CMO Comment


Recently, there appeared a comment by one list member, that his CMO
protocol did not seem to be improving his arthritis challenge. While is
is true (based upon our researches) that the standard (10 day regime)
does evince noticeable improvement in a matter of as little as 5
days.....the AVERAGE time-span (in our experiments) revealed to be about
19 days from the start of the protocol....for definite, subjectively
recognized, improvement to manifest. This was the case, even if the
protocol was stopped at the tenth day. Lipase does, indeed, enhance and
accelerate the beneficial effects of CMO. Incidentally, it also improves
greatly, the proper digestion of a complete litany of fats. 
It may be of interest to reveal that our best results came from using
about 25 mg of lipase 
per administration of each dose of CMO. 
One final comment of possible value; we have found CMO to be a SPLENDID
immune system modulator. The general, pain-free, mobility of a large
majority of our older 
(65 and over) volunteers....especially in improved
flexibility-----manifested in nearly all of their afflicted articulating
joints (excepting fingers expressing Heberden's and Bouchard's nodes).
The thickened calcium deposits intruding into the capsule and
surrounding area seem to present an effect not fully addressed by our
existing CMO protocols. However, SOME of the Heberden's/Bouchard's cases
DID, in fact, react with positive improvement. 
Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.