Hi PJ,

I ramped up to 75mg fairly quickly (and suffered with detox for a good while), and stayed there until tests were at an acceptable level (~8mths), then moved down to 25mg, which I continue to take...most days...but always 12.5mg per day though:) Total time elapsed has been a couple of years. I don't think I was as toxic as a lot of folks.

I don't know how to make a comparison between Iodoral and Lugol's however. That would require Marshall or someone else:)

When you refer to cysts, I presume you are talking about fibrous cysts?

My wife's fibrous breast cysts "melted" in about two weeks @50mg/day.

If I have overlooked anything thump me again:)



Shirley Reed wrote:
   Congratulations, Craig!  I am also curious as to your dose.  I take 10 drops (at 
least) of 5% Lugol's every day and frequently 15 or more. At 10 drops that gives 650 mgs. 
per day.  But I am noticing that if I stay at that dose for a few days, then cysts begin 
returning, so I guess I will go to 15 drops per day and see what happens.  I know I have 
lots of things to detox from, aluminum being one I am very interested in getting rid of.  
Loads of mercury too from previous dental debacles.  I consider "silver" 
fillings to be unethical in an absolute sense.    I have also noticed that my hair grows 
like crazy so it needs cutting more often.  The lady who cuts it always remarks about how 
healthy it is.  I am glad you reported your results because extraordinary experiences are 
often challenged and it feels good to have some back-up.  :)   pj

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