Dear John,
I have been on this list for 10 yrs. and I do not know what the "w" stands for in csw
Thank you
-------------- Original message from "John E. Stevens" <>: --------------

Hey, Mike:

There are some folks on the list that have admirable knowledge and those folks I respect and read carefully for their ideas are good and helpful.  That's not everyone on the list.  There are some folks who clamor out opinions which I think can be dangerous, especially to new-comers. The proof has always been in the pudding for me - the living experience - not just in the words of someone I don't really know.
I've been involved with natural health as a health consultant for over thirty-five years and I've used CSW for over ten years - maybe longer.  I find CSW to be very helpful in many ways.  I don't find any of the opinions silly as you've mentioned.  But I've sent and forwarded some e-mails that have creditable info that have been mocked nastily by some in your group - but you forgot to address that.  That does get my ire up at times. 
I've used CSW in conjunction with other protocols and have helped folks to beat their cancer, not only once, but many times.  And with many different types of cancer.  And I've dealt successfully with many other diseases with various protocols, for many folks, too.  You must think the list's hammerings are justified for you haven't addressed much of it before now - except with me.  I don't mind being at the brunt of your "we-isms."  It's really never phased me in the past - only I can rebel periodically when it gets a little too much "groupie" for me. 
I'll see how it goes.  If the fire starts, again, with your "groupies," I may seek out - because there are many folks that know about the power of CSW outside the list...


On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 2:01 PM, M. G. Devour <> wrote:
Allright youz guyz... settle down in here!



I will help Orv get himself switched to the digest. You can all stop
having fun with the 'unscribe' mis-spelling.

Do you know that that spelling error is so common that the list server
software is specifically designed to respond correctly to it? It's not
in the least unusual, believe me. I see it every day.

Oh, and the thing about turkey basters... the original suggestion is
quite good to know. The, ummm, response has run its course, i think.

Second, and far more important: John and everyone who is sniping back
and forth with him, please stop it now.

John has positioned himself as a target for these kinds of barbs, but
the rest of you are not obligated to respond. In fact, just the
opposite is true.


If you had been here for the last 13 years, seen and shared in the work
that went into forming these silly opinions you find so incredible, you
would perfectly understand the unity implied by the casual use of the
word "we" in these discussions.

Where there is unity of opinion, there was work to back it up. Where
there are opinions that diverge on a topic, we report them as well, to
those who will listen.

When one of our ideas departs from what you know to be true...

Do you approach the situation with an open mind, ask intelligent
questions, and explore the reasons for it?

Do you consider the possibility that this obscure, perhaps insular and
eccentric little group might actually have discovered one or two
original things worth knowing now, today, in the hundreds of person-
years of their shared experience?

Or do you dismiss us as a rabble of inferior minds who are beneath your
dignity to show simple respect?

"We" feel justifiable pride in knowing the things that we've learned
from each other over the years, and the newer folks who have taken the
time to listen share in that knowledge.

"We" know at least the vague boundaries of our own ingnorance. What do
we know that you don't?

I know that there isn't an abundance of easily accessible data here,
ready to convince you. So, for the time being you have to learn by word
of mouth (or keyboard), an oral tradition, rather than a proper
scientific presentation.

Fine, that's less than optimal. I admit that freely -- but I claim that
it would be worth it to you to make the effort.

It's your choice, sir. I have extended you my hospitality and would
very much value the help you could give my other guests, were you to
offer it with a humble and generous spirit. I need you to start
appreciating what that can be worth to you, and to consistently behave
as the gentleman, and friend, I know you would prefer to be.

If that's not something you care to do, then it would be best for you
not to waste further energy trying to save us from ourselves. It'd only
lead to continued aggravation for all... Some remark about pig
wrestling would be appropriate here, I suppose.

I await your thoughts.

Be well,

Mike D.
list owner, cat herder, and sometimes nanny...

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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