My conclusion about the bumps, based on my Dr's explanation and other things I 
had read online, is that the bumps were bacteria or spirochetes or whatever 
that had been infecting my legs, and they were dying and being pushed out 
through my skin.  Eventually the bumps all went away, and my legs felt better 
than they had in years.  I kept taking EIS throughout and long after (still do).

Other people get the same thing on their heads, based on stories I have read 
online.  And a friend of ours also had that experience, after which she quit 
taking it, so who knows what she was killing.  I just wish she had continued 
taking it, since she was apparently killing off something that is roosting 
inside of her.


From: Neville Munn <>
Sent: Thu, February 18, 2010 9:08:23 AM

 Your snipped quote Dick;
[After starting the CS, the first thing I noticed was that I developed all 
these little itchy bumps all over my lower legs.]
-Don't know if this is of any relevance to your situation but I'll say it 
One of my daughters had an allergic reaction to an antibiotic given for an open 
leg wound infection, requiring an injection of something to off set that 
reaction, hence she stopped taking the antibiotic.  Immediately after stopping 
the antibiotic I introduced EIS, but unbeknown to me she kept taking EIS for 
some time AFTER the leg had healed, to which she started to develop a rash on 
the body.  When she mentioned this to me I told her to IMMEDIATELY stop taking 
the EIS as I had read somewhere that one of the *possible* effects of excess 
consumption of silver is a rash becoming evident.  She stopped taking it...rash 
disappeared...Coincidence? Who knows? hence I concluded the article I had read, 
which was years ago, was correct.  However, I'd need to ask her when next I see 
her if that rash was itchy?
>From memory I believe she was making a fairly strong brew at the time, using 
>rain water to hit the rather nasty infection hard and fast, and was making 
>around 300ml at a time, unfortunately I failed to document if it was 1 glass 
>or 2 glasses a day she was ingesting.
 Date: Thu, 18 Feb 2010 04:49:26 -0800


Hello Orv,

I'm not sure if this email was to me or not, but I'll answer it anyway.  It was 
my wife who really had lyme symptoms 3 years ago.  She was tired all the time, 
head in a fog, and couldn't get through a day without a nap or two, had no 
energy for normal activities, starting to get some arthritis, especially in her 
legs.  There were probably more symptoms, but I don't remember.

She had a blood test that came back positive, so our Dr tested me as well, and 
I also tested positive, so we both went on the CS, made by a friend of our Dr 
who saved his own life when he was half dead from lyme symptoms.

We both got infusions of CS -- about 20 cc if I remember correctly -- every 
week or two to start, then less often as time went on.  We also drank 3-4 oz a 
day of CS.  We stopped the infusions after a year or so, but have continued the 
CS since then (3+ years) because we also haven't had colds, flu or flu shots or 
any other illness since we started the CS.

I had not noticed any symptoms that I would have attributed to lyme or to any 
other disease other than the usual aches and pains of getting older (62 at the 
time).  I was starting to get some arthritis in my knees and wrists, and had 
experienced a general weakness in my legs for years.  I did not feel confident 
going up and down stairs any longer.  Figured it was just age and not being in 
great shape.  Didn't really think about it.

After starting the CS, the first thing I noticed was that I developed all these 
little itchy bumps all over my lower legs.  This lasted for several weeks, then 
finally went away.  After the bumps went away, I found that the arthritis in my 
knees also went away, and my legs felt stronger and more reliable than they had 
in years.  Surprise.

My wife got better than better, got her energy back, no longer needed as many 
naps, and eventually after a couple of years, the Dr figured out lyme was cured 
due to lack of symptoms.

That's about it.  Our lyme cases were pretty mild compared to some.  The guy 
who treated us with CS, and who taught me to make it, has cured some people who 
were very close to death from lyme and some from other diseases.

What is amazing to me is how potent CS is, and how impotent the medical 
establishment, bug pharma and the government are.


 From: orv delany <>
Sent: Wed, February 17, 2010 3:43:28 PM

Richard G. did you have symptoms first or did you notice the appearance of your 
skin in referenence to Lyme ?  what were your symptoms ? what size and features 
was the appearance. what was the protocol of the cs procedure ?  how long did 
it take to overcome it ? thank you orv
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