Trimmed for size and re-sent for Brooks...

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Date sent:              Thu, 18 Feb 2010 16:55:51 -0800
From:                   "Brooks Bradley" <>
Priority:               Normal
To:                     <>
Subject:                Re: [RE]CS>Arthritis- ? for Brooks B.: TARDY RESPONSE:  

Dear Pat, 
You staggered me with your disclosure of the general use of Vioxx and 
Cozaar----in addition to Celebrex. 
These are quite POTENT systemic must be one very 
"biologically-tough" specimen (in my opinion). 
Your mention of continued, recurring pain in you hand joints prompts me 
to make a general comment. Among our volunteer subjects participating 
in a number of our past experimental arthritis evaluations......we were 
able to develop a couple of very effective, non-toxic, protocols which 
were quite effective---and rapid---in effecting pain relief. We 
employed the application of a very "tissue friendly" solution of DMSO 
(50% by volume) with distilled water (50% by volume) and had 
the volunteer to apply the mixture (very generously, using a saturated 
cotton-ball) to the entire surface area of the afflicted part/joint. In 
better than 90% of these instances.....profound relief manifested in 
less than 10 minutes 
(by the clock). The effects of DMSO on bruises, associated blunt-force-
trauma insults, sprains, etc-----demonstrates 
to be, sometimes, astonishing in favorable response times. A useful 
refinement to this protocol is to repeat it in about 20 minutes (or 
earlier, as soon as the surface tissue absorbs the DMSO solution). 
Additionally, applying the 
beam of a simple laser pointer (Red color) directly upon the afflicted 
joint and moving very slowly across the area of 
concentrated pain (takes about 2 minutes for the top of a finger-
joint), has, in a majority of cases....furnished 
quite high-speed pain abatement. Used in tandem (DMSO applied first, 
followed by Laser or High-intensity LED) these simple addresses have 
easily surpassed all but use of POWERFUL TOPICAL ANAESTHETIC AGENTS 
(such as novocaine, lidocaine, procaine, etc.) in achieving immediate 
pain relief. Additionally, the beneficial effects of these non-
intrusive protocols.....rendered much longer-lasting benefits---before 
any form of pain presentation reappeared, 
than did the conventional topical anaesthetic agents. 
Please understand, I am not recommending that you employ these protocol 
as a treatment. I am just relating some of the experiences we have 
encountered in our EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCHES. You may want to evaluate 
them in your own experimental medical researches among your animal 
(dogs, cats, horses, etc) population. 
I must go now. Best Wishes in your health improvement endeavors. 
Sincerely, Brooks. 
p.s. Some of our other research organizations have 
effected most encouraging results in joint-pain 
control/relief though the use of small amounts of boron (obtained by 
using 20 Mule 
Team Borax) by having the volunteer moisten the first joint of the 
index finger and sticking it down into a container of the powder. The 
amount that adheres to the finger is quite acceptable...and posed no 
systemic problem whatsoever. 
Point-of-information: While boron is required in very small quantities--
-for human health, it is FAR LESS toxic than the general public has 
been led to mainstream academia; for what, exact reason, I 
do not know. 

    ---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------
    Subject : Re: [RE]CS>Arthritis- ? for Brooks B.: TARDY RESPONSE
    Date : Wed, 17 Feb 2010 20:36:15 -0800 (PST)
    From : Pat <>
    To :
    Thank you for your reply. I do plan to try the gelatin, although I'm 
    careful to get plenty of protein with each meal. I'm making 
    improvements, ....using kelp and lecithin, drinking LOTS of water, 
    taking the glucosamine and MSM (which made all my teeth hurt from about 
    2 hours after my first large dose and through the next day, weird, 
    huh?) I'm reading the book which you recommended, "Your Body's Many 
    Cries for Water," and find it fascinating. 
    I quit using Celebrex a couple weeks ago after using it for several 
    years....I started it right when they took Bextra (the best) off the 
    market and had used Vioxx before that. I have tinnitus which has gotten 
    louder in the last 3 months and want to be rid of that. I'm hoping the 
    Celebrex is the cause, but it could also be the blood pressure drug 
    Cozaar. I wonder if some natural supplement can cause it because right 
    after my knee replacement last April, it seemed the tinnitus was better 
    and I'd stayed on the same drugs but cut back on supplements. I've 
    started taking Ginkgo biloba every day to help, plus vitamin B12. 
    I don't feel better, but I don't feel nearly as bad as I thought I 
    would after quitting Celebrex. My hands hurt more than anywhere. 
    Yesterday a couple hours after the Ginkgo, I developed pain all over my 
    body with movement. I can't find anything online about it causing that 
    kind of side effect, and it didn't today. So in the last two weeks, 
    I've had to use an Aleve three times for pain. Beer helps, too, but I 
    never want more than one in a day and not every day and would hate to 
    start craving it like I do ice cream! 
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