My son has type I diabetes and Graves Disease (hyperthyroidism) and he has been verified to have both antibodies to his thyroid and his pancreas, as I too have antibodies to my thyroid resulting in Hashimotos Thyroidism (hypothyroid) perhaps I will try what you all have recommended and see what the results are. Thanks so much, This is a great group. Blessings, Karen Conrad ----- Original Message ----- From: "M. G. Devour" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, February 19, 2010 7:45 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Diabetes Question

Would appreciate any help on the subject of type 1 diabetes and if CS
has help.  Not  type 2 which is the most common. Or any other aids
other than diet, exercise, rest , and the reg. known supplements.
Thank you for any help. My son has had this for eight years now and
his blood sugar is always exceedingly way to high.

Greetings Orv,

Doug's information is new to me and definitely looks intriguing.

I would like to inject a speculation that I have been thinking about
for a year or two... I recall somewhere reading a suggestion that there
was an autoimmune component to type 1 diabetes, wherein the islet cells
were destroyed by the body's own immune action.

Such a thing could be triggered by sensitization and protein mimicry
where alien proteins cause an immune response that does not properly
discriminate between the target antigen and proteins characteristic of
specific human cells.

In light of Doug's comments, there could even be a tie-in between these
two possible models, with the fungus providing the antigens in some

IF the above speculation is valid, then a substance often discussed in
the alternative community, CMO, or Cetyl-Myrisoleate, might be of
interest. It is a natural substance that apparently acts as an immune
modulator. It was recommended to us by Brooks Bradley some years back
as a promising treatment for the *permanent* relief of arthritic
conditions, which, apparently, may also have an autoimmune response as
their root cause. It actually allows the rebuilding of joint tissues
that have been lost.

I haven't dug into this any further, but I pass it on to you in hopes
that it might be helpful and your incentives to research it more urgent
than mine.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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