My wife's diarrhea, going on 2 weeks now, but finally, we have an answer:  The 
hospital lab says she tests positive for Salmonella.  And she knows exactly 
where it came from and when, which is now going to be reported to whatever 
government agency tracks these things.

It is getting better finally, so hopefully in another day or two she will make 
real improvement.  Still taking silver.

Did stopping the CS contribute?  Possibly.  If she had had enough CS in her 
when she ate the tainted food, maybe the case would have been milder or not 
happened at all, but ... maybe not.  She probably would have had to swallow a 
whole bunch of CS right before or after eating the bad food.

So it wasn't the result of CS killing friendly flora and allowing bad stuff to 
flourish, which is a good thing.  CS rules.
