Well, now that I'm done pulling your leg and finding out how few people 
actually *read* the message footer... <grin>

I would like to introduce you to the new archives...

This link will take you to the most recent thread index:


Just below the Silver List logo are the links to switch between the 
thread and date index.

If you type this into the box and hit Search:

   from:"Tai Pan" hamburger

...it'll bring up a list of a dozen messages by Bob Lee that contain 
the word 'hamburger', the first of which is his famous 1999 missive 
about the amazing "experiment" he and his friends conducted. <grin>

Once you're looking at a page of search results, the words "refine 
search" show up to the right of the Search button. If you click on 
that, it'll take you to this page:


...which gives you a few more examples of the search syntax, plus a 
link to even MORE detailed information at:


It's simple to do straightforward multi-word searches, yet you can also 
do extremely sophisticated searches including: dates, date ranges; 
subject lines and, as illustrated above, author; boolean searches, even 
fuzzy and proximity searches as well.

One more absolutely FABULOUS feature of this search facility as opposed 
to every other search function I've seen outside of Google, is that we 
can search for arbitrarily short terms like:


The search functions of every forum I've ever been on, as well as our 
old archives at e-scribe, restricted your search terms to 4 characters 
or more. Given how much of our jargon consists of short acronyms and 
how many 3-letter health-related words there are, this is a great boon!

Yes, we can even search for CS, though there isn't much point! <LOL!>

Each message in the archive has a unique URL that will never chage, so 
we can safely link to them, and the links will remain functional as 
long as the archives are:


The rough edges are very few:

There is still a short gap in the archive between Feb 3 and 17, which 
will be filled in as soon as the guys at M-A get caught up on their 
administrative chores over the next week.

The date and thread indexes will ultimately only cover the last 3 or 4 
months worth of messages at any given time, though the entire archive 
will allways remain searchable.

Right now our logo links to the Mail Archive home page, and the text 
version of the list name links to the list info page:


I hope this will eventually be changed so that the logo and list name 
both link to the info page, and the Mail Archive banner and logo will 
appear in the upper right corner and both link to their home page. One 
of the owners liked my suggestion and is considering changing it.

All quibbles aside, though, it's a wonderful facility. I am very 
pleased with it.

I will be updating the list web site to at least link to the new 
archives and putting a search window there. 

Long-term, I hope to create a complete date and thread index for the 
entire archive, which would allow you to browse any time period by 
either method. An advanced search form, a la Google's advanced search, 
ought to be possible, and would simplify the creation of complex 
searches for users who don't want to become experts in the syntax.

So, enjoy, folks! Let me hear your questions and suggestions, and 
whether I've missed any glitches or problems that might remain.

Last but not least, special thanks go to Mike Monett for raising the 
issue again, blasting the barnacles off my hull, and pointing me toward 
the folks at Mail-Archive.com. Thanks Mike!

Be well!

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@eskimo.com                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: <mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com>
List Owner: Mike Devour <mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com>