Collecting a million anecdotes will not do it. The only way the FDA will approve CS is if clinical human trials are conducted. And as I've said here before the only body in the US with the money and the duty to conduct a trial is the National Centre for Complimentary and Alternative Medicine. (NCCAM)

NCCAM is a part of the US health department. They have a relatively huge budget, and IT IS IN THEIR CHARTER TO RESEARCH STUFF LIKE CS!!!!

To quote from the NCCAM website ..."The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) is the Federal Government's lead agency for scientific research on the diverse medical and health care systems, practices, and products that are NOT GENERALLY CONSIDERED PART OF CONVENTIONAL MEDICINE. "

They have funded over 1,200 research projects - but so far nothing on CS.

If enough taxpaying US members of this list contacted the NCCAM and suggested they research CS (or fund a trial of CS) then something might get done.

Of course they could fund a big trial and conclude that CS doesn't work but thats a risk I'm happy to live with.


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