
You got the H2O2 right but the citric acid is not mixed with the H2O2. The 
citric acid had to do with when using larger doses of CS daily for long periods 
of time. It was my suggestion to reduce the amount of CS under those 
circumstances and to take half of the CS mixed with Gatorade or something 
containing citric acid. If mixing with citric acid powder you only need a pinch 
for a couple ounces of CS. You would also take the CS with citric acid 
seperated in time from when you take the regular CS. 
- Steve N


From: GARY ABEL <> 
To: <> 
Sent: Sun Feb 14 12:32:31 2010
Subject: Re: CS>silver for babesia and lyme 

Hello,  I missed the first part of this.  I was wondering if you could let me 
know if I got this right and how much citric acid?
One gallon CS
tsp regular hydrogen peroxide (not food grade and only purified water as the 
inactive ing.-no stabilizers
citric acid (how much?)
Thanks, Appreciate your help.   -Gary


From: "Norton, Steve" <>
Sent: Sun, February 14, 2010 12:16:06 PM
Subject: Re: CS>silver for babesia and lyme


I use 1 tsp of 3 % hydrogen peroxide from the store to a gallon of CS. The 
hydrogen peroxide should list only purified water as the inactive ingredients 
and no stabizers. It has been determined that waiting 1 to 2 days before adding 
the hydrogen peroxide provides a more reliable result. There might be a limit 
on how long it will keep but I don't know it. 
You can use something other than Gatorade. It is the citric acid in the 
Gatorade that is important. You can use other drinks that contain citric acid I 
would imagine including fruit juices. I just add citric acid since I already 
have it for MMS.

It isn't the use of Gatorade that others might not agree with but as to whether 
silver citrate is an effective adjunct to CS. CS already provides the benefits 
of both silver ions and silver particles. But I feel that the addition of some 
silver citrate provides a third and effective form of silver that boosts the 
overall effectiveness of the whole. Again, no proof only opinion. 

The 1 mg limit is a personal belief, for long term continuous use, and I just 
can't recommend amounts to others more than I would take myself. There are 
others that have and do use more. I may be too cautious but I like to stay 
within the amount the body can eliminate in a day when taking it daily for long 
term. For short term use you can take large amounts, as long as you give the 
body time to eventially excrete the silver. 

_ Steve N


From: Greg Ball <> 
To: <> 
Sent: Sun Feb 14 10:17:09 2010
Subject: CS>silver for babesia and lyme 

Steve, I looked through everything you gave me, and I have a ton of follow-up 
questions. Here goes:
- A couple of questions - how many drops of the 3% peroxide do I use? I think 
my container is holding approximately 16 ounces. Would that be about 2 drops? 
- Should I use regular hydragen peroxide from the drug store? 
- Once the peroxide goes in, is there a time frame for using it up? For 
example, does it need to be ingested within 24 hours before losing it's potency?
- Why do you suggest that I should I wait two days after the silver is made to 
add peroxide? 
- Why is 1 mg a day of silver important to stay below? 
- 4 ounces of regular gatorade has about 28 grams of sugar. I need to avoid 
sugar for many reasons. Is there some sugar free substitue I can use like 
propel? Or is this risky? 
- You said some people disagree with the gatorade approach. Can you share why 
that is?
Steve, thanks so much for your help!