
Well, my wife wanted me to put in her two cents regarding Colloidal Silver.

I bought three pounds of chicken drumsticks, thawed but previously frozen, 
yesterday for dinner.  When I got home, typical man that I am, I assumed that 
we would have them for dinner with some nice honey garlic sauce but it was an 
assumption I made without consulting of course. 

Sooooooh... the chicken had to go into the fridge for a day.  The bag had 
about 4-6 ounces of red liquid, blood & water & who knows what else.  There 
are those who understand chicken factories better than I, but it's not 
pretty.  Before I put the chicken into the fridge I poured in about two to 
four ounces of 28-32 ppm  HVAC CS into the plastic bag and shook it all up 
real well blood and all - hoping against hope that the chicken wouldn't smell 
so bad the next day that we would have to throw it out.  

Now, my wife absolutely hates opening up bags of chicken for this very 
reason.  Today, she opened up the chicken and there was absolutely NO odour.  
She smelled the chicken, the bag, the paper towel she put the chicken on and 
couldn't find odour anywhere.  She doesn't normally have the nerve to get her 
nose close to any of these!  The drumsticks smelled better than 'real' 
chicken.  She is thoroughly impressed and so am I.  And we will enjoy our 
chicken dinner tonight not wondering if we're doing ourselves in or not to 
save the $2.97 for the chicken.


Ian Roe

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