Trying to use H2O2 -- half success, half unknown result...  I made two batches 
of a gallon each, both with distilled water, one with some silver I got from 
some place in Arizona or New Mexico a while back, the other with silver from 
Atlasnova, both 99.99.

The Atlasnova batch came out clear with a slight tinge of yellow around 15 PPM. 

The other batch came out about the same, but with slightly more yellow, and 
some kind of cloudiness.

I put 24 drops of H2O2 into the Atlasnova batch, and it turned clear, as I had 
expected from reading this list.

I put 6 drops of H2O2 into the other batch, and it lost a little of the yellow, 
but turned much more cloudy.  Now it is sort of a very pale yellow with some 
kind of opaque cloudiness in it.  Can't figure what it could be.  

Any ideas?
