Ions cannot exist without the water, so sizing particles made out of ions by drying them, using an electron microscope that can only be used on dry samples, is total BS.


....adding: Any time you see a particle size figure at .0008 microns, it was determined using an electron microscope taking photos of something that was NEVER IN THE WATER.

Those are Silver Oxide particles MADE by drying out the Ions. [removing the water]

At 97% Ionic, it might take quite a bit of searching just to FIND a particle with an electron microscopes field of view.....if it COULD in a liquid, which it can't. [Of course, those will also be in the dried sample, carefully avoided so as not to show any of those relative monsters. ]

The new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator  [snip]
* Produces uncommonly small silver micro-particles as low as <>.0008 microns.

## Actually, seeing as the author of that mess of mixed contexts doesn't seem to know the difference between a particle and an Ion and can call Ions particles...MOST of what that and every generator makes is WAY~WAY smaller than .0008 microns.

So, "as low as" is not only not true, but excludes mention of all the bigger ones that form later by distraction from the fact that the ones that ARE mentioned were ....never-in-the-water...and the ones that WERE in the water being at only around 3%-15% of the total silver and would survive drying, the microscope apparently didn't find any of them.

 Ignorance...happenstance....or design?

"Technically" an Ion IS a particle by "legal" definition as it takes up space and has mass, but if you ever expect a lawyer to tell you something you are "meant" to applying the very reason for saying anything at all as an intended communication of meaning....well....don't hold your breath. It's wiser to recognize a slick ass "lawyer" and steer clear of the legalese BS designed to say things it DOESN'T mean without "technically" lying.

 Ohh, I LIKE this one.
"Over a year and a half in development, [ a long time ago ] this brand new unit [manufactured recently and never before used] represents a bona-fide breakthrough in colloidal silver-making technology.[ back when everybody was using salt, 3 nines and thought 1PPM per minute was possible during the second and third minutes as the current shot up the line like a though a timer works now when it didn't used to, but no one knew it didn't. ]
Well, at least they don't cost $400+ anymore.

"Standard Colloidal Silver" ?? What the heck is that? [Words that imply meaning but have absolutely none] I mean, my house is smaller than a standard rock? [Sorta depends on where and how you live, don't it? ]

I think I'll go Phishing now....just wade across the pond to England with my hook, line and stinker and all the Phish are 27 long [feet or millimeters?] and over 10 pounds. [sterling]


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