wong...@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 09/11/1999 1:11:16 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
> jho...@iafrica.co.za writes:
> << The insecticide chalk is dosed with Pyrethrum one of the most potent
> naturaly
>  occuring insecticedes obtained from daisies. >>
> Hi James
> This chalk has been sold and used here over 50 yrs. The ingredient(s) were
> never listed. The FDA never did an analysis ( because I suspect) as it's use
> was confined within the Asian community. How did you find out?
> wong

Heck, down south we have a simpler solution :).  We have special boots
with pointy toes - we herd them into a corner and squish them there :-).

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!
Victoria Welch, WV9K, DoD#-13, Net/Sys/WebAdmin SeaStar.org,
"Walking on water and developing software to specification are
easy as long as both are frozen" - Edward V. Berard.
Do not unto others, that which you would not have others do unto you.

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