Wow and how sad.   

Last night watched an episode of Little House in the Prairie.   Charles Ingalls 
got the chance to go to Chicago as rep of Walnut Grove at a national 
organisation for farmers/railroad conference.   He was put in a private 
compartment on the train, a suite in the plush hotel and wined and dined.. and 
then taken aside by a guy who said 'we'll make sure you get your grain lift at 
your local station'.  Ingalls was naively delighted.  

Later in his hotel room a 'lady of the night' knocks on his door saying she'd 
been sent by the head honcho.   He of course refuses.   Next day he goes to the 
conference and the same guy takes him aside saying 'so you'll be voting 'no' to 
state regulations?'.  

Ingalls looked confused and then he got it.   He stood up and spoke his mind at 
the farmers meeting, denouncing the bribery and giving up any chance of getting 
the much needed grain lift for the local train station.   He travelled home in 
the peasants carriage!

In this day and age his equivalent would probably have been blackmailed, gotten 
an incurable disease out of the blue or worse still too damned scared  to vote 
with his conscience for fear of losing dollars.

Not wanting to make waves has become a national epidemic, very similar to the 
one that swept Nazi Germany and occupied Europe.  

And it makes perfect sense that Irene Sendler, who rescued 2,500 Jewish 
children from the Warsaw Ghetto in her toolbox lost out on the Nobel Prize 
to Al Gore who, as someone so eloquently put it, got it for giving a slide show 
on the environment which cost zillions of carbon miles to make!

And the shingles marches on.. quite painful now and I'm awaiting various 
remedies recommended by all you wonderful listers, on here and elsewhere.   

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human consciousness WHAT has to happen for us to evolve and emerge? 

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From: Leo Regehr <>
Sent: Mon, March 8, 2010 9:31:45 AM
Subject: CS>GMO

Here is why the Canadian govt. is getting away with GM foods. Most all =
farm organizations, even organic organizations, rely heavily on =
government for recognition, public awareness, trade missions, testing, =
marketing, grants, subsidies, etc. To oppose the government then, is to =
threaten one's own financial life. For this reason, farm organizations =
have special persons designated as government liaison people - to keep =
the money coming.

So in Canada, when the Conservative government defeated a private =
members' bill to require GMO labels on imported foods, not one organic =
producers association objected. Not one. And one provincial organic =
producer organization (which relies heavily on federal program support) =
is headed by the campaign manager for a sitting rural MP (who voted with =
his government). One Ontario Indian band was told by the Canadian =
government, it would lose all their grant money if it allowed a debate =
on vaccines to proceed. The band dutifully cancelled the debate. It can =
be no different in the U.S. Get the picture?