It's actually Brooks Bradley's formula, Shirley. :)
I learned it on this list. The original is 75% CS, 15% Glycerine,
and 10% DMSO. I've had problems with dry skin though, and use 85%
CS, 10% Glycerine, and 5% DMSO. It has indeed worked wonders for my
MRSA -- though I still don't seem to be rid of it, my symptoms are
greatly reduced. I have have had only one minor abscess on my left
leg in the last two months. Using it as a nasal spray will
practically eliminate sinus allergies, too. I am sure that if my skin
wasn't so easily dried out the B.B. formula would have licked it by
now, but I do get so dry it's painful, and so cannot use it everyday.

But lately I've also begun using a Hulda Clark zapper, and it too is
helping. I highly recommend Clark's book (in spite of it's hyperbolic
title), "The Cure For All Diseases". Many people on the Yahoo group
microelectricitygermkiller also seem to be having quite a bit of
success with the "godzilla" device.


I talked to a friend today that had gotten a call from her X's wife saying he was very very sick (MRSA) and wanted to know if she had anything he could take to keep him from the hospital. I had recently given her some MMS for a fungus on her mule and she has been using CS also recently. She took both over there to him. She said he looked like death, not gray but a pasty clay color and had lumps down his arm. She couldn't believe he wasn't in the hospital.

She had downloaded the on-line book on MMS and gave that to him, explained how to mix it and left a sprayer filled with cs for his arm. He was in bad shape and she was worried about being exposed herself. He sprayed his arm with CS and said it immediately felt better. He took 15 drops of AMMS. She was worried because she had never used MMS internally. She called this morning and talked to his wife to see how he was doing and she said he was 200% better and had gone to work. I was worried about the side effects of MMS (nausia/diarhria) at the 15 drop level without build up.

I will be interested to see how this turns out but didn't know the MMS could work so fast on MRSA. I'm glad I just ordered more.


Date 2009
 Possibly Faulty memory seems to recall the use of salt in Alky water makers

Least-ways, in *this* one...

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do you need to add minerals, and what kind?
A: Yes, minerals are required in order for the ionizer to work. I have found that the most effective mineral to add is salt. Salt is needed to make the water conductive so that the ionizer will work.

Ohhh Kay.....
If salt is used, one electrode makes Hypochlorus acid and the other, sodium hydroxide [Lye] which will definitely make that water Alkaline. From the handy dandy household cleaner article that sheds light on what blood electrifiers aka Zappers, might "actually" be doing. [Controllable Electro-Chemo-Therapy? or an MMS analog with an antidote right around the corner...not a blood electrolizer but a blood electro-chemicalizer, cuz blood.... is bloody salty]

..easier to just add a few Lye crystals to water. [And turn it into salt water when it hits the ole tummy]


 From: Brooks Bradley
> Date: Wednesday, 23 June 2004
> Subject: CS/ MRSA cure? Comment
> About three years ago we conducted rather extensive evaluations for
> effectivity of colloidal silver on MRSA (presenting both topically and
> as epithelial tissue challenge in the throat).
> We investigated a consequential number of protocol variations. ALL
> those
> including colloidal silver proved acceptably effective.
> However, the most effective single protocol, utilizing a minimum number
> of total ingredients, revealed to be one including nothing more than
> 75%
> 10 to 20 ppm colloidal silver (by volume), 10% full-strength DMSO (by
> volume) and 15% Glycerin (by volume).
> Our results displayed to be (in comparison to the general anecdotal
> information in the posted article) equal or superior in time response
> to
> those claimed by the authors of the information appearing in web
> posting
> at Mr. Rense's site.
> My comments are not designed in any way to denigrate the very
> useful/effective results achieved by the gentleman at the center of
> this
> disclosure.
> It is quite pleasing to observe the demonstrated success of the
> "untaught medical savage" in addressing the very real, and threatening,
> challenge of MRSA in contrast to the ineptitude and poorly
> designed/executed research machinations of  the U.K's  reigning
> Phamaceutical Convention. :>)
> Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.
> Harborne Research Foundation

At 11:30 AM 3/10/2010 -0500, you wrote:
My friend's sister has contacted this. Â Can anyone offer any help on if silver would work and a good starting dosage point. Â I thought I remembered reading somewhere that silver was good for MRSA.

I thank you; my friend thanks you.


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