RE US and UK..having been in both worlds.. there are a lot of BBC links from 
the UK including ability to watch BBC shows online that don't work here.   Hulu 
is one xample of the vice versa situation. Couldn't access it from UK IP. know 
why, must be some international agreement... crazy eh.  Don't think it's about 
them keeping the film close... You may need to google it and check it out in 
the UK DVD rental.   I found it on Netflix here... so we're gonna have to rent 
it as we can't view online in regular hours!

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From: Sandee George <>
Sent: Mon, March 15, 2010 8:14:11 AM
Subject: Re: CS>The Future of Food

Annie this link is only for those within the US not International so if you 
would mind cutting and pasting it or putting it into an Adobe reader file and 
send it to me I would appreciate it very much - I am sure it is very 
interesting which is why they want to keep it close !!!!    smile
Take good care and have a wonderful day

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