larry tankersley wrote:
Hey Folks;
Has anyone had experience using CAN-C or Bright-eyes for cataracts? Or other modalities? I've been dealing with a retina detachment [twice now] since Dec. and the gas bubble they inject causes a rapid increase in the cataract. I'd really like to skip the operation. TIA
larry tankersley, Gainesville FL. USA
I have been using either Bright-Eyes or CAN-C for about a year now (with a few gaps): CAN-C we are just finishing up 3 boxes of (6 bottles). I had great hopes for it, but have to say at my last eye exam just a few weeks ago the cataracts were still present, and the one in the left eye may have been just a tad worse (or not). The only good news is there has been no significant INCREASE in the cataract in either eye, which may be due to the CAN-C and Bright Eyes, or may be due to the CS/MSM/DMSO eye drops I also use at times (I stopped for over a month after a vitreous detachment in the left eye. I also would really like to skip cataract surgery, and am very lucky the vitreous detachment (which seems to have been total) didn't cause a retinal tear or detachment. In my case the left eye suffered an inflammation after the vitreous detachment, which is now apparently gone, but I have months yet to think about cataract surgery, as it can't be done until it is certain the inflammation is entirely gone. And I'm left with a large obtrusive floater and a filmy floater, and the eye surgeon says cataract surgery may enable me to see the floaters even better, which is not a desireable thing, in my own opinion, LOL. I too want to put surgery off for the rest of my life ideally and that desire is even stronger since the vitreous detachment and the subsequent inflammation. But I haven't succeeded in getting rid of the cataracts after a year of trying (though I seemed to be having success for the first couple of months of drops).

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