
Thanks for posting this link. It is very interesting and informative. I will 
forward this to the rest of my family in hope that they will read it and learn. 

 - Steve N

----- Original Message -----
From: Brooks Bradley <>
To: <>
Sent: Mon Mar 29 23:03:26 2010
Subject: CS>Researcher Reference

                                       I am  moved to share with the
list membership, the website of a man I consider to be one of the
truly UNIQUE researchers in the field of human HEALTH  (not primarily
disease treatment).
Dr. John Apsley addition to being an outstanding medical
physician-----a most gifted researcher in the field of "biological
vitality"...... affecting the entire Western World segment of the
human race.  At least, this
is my opinion-------admittedly a prejudiced one.
                                   His website is of recent origin and
is focused...primarily......on his non-profit efforts to assist in
raising the health levels of the world's general populations.
                                     Dr. Apsley's website acknowledges
a list of individuals I include as powerful influences in the
acquisition of my personal paradigm/education in the areas addressing
the "human health condition".
In fact, I was genuinely, and most pleasantly, shocked to see such a
listing of so many of my icons of unselfish servants to humanity.
                                    I am not proselytizing for any
"special cause" with this post.......but rather, sharing what I
believe you may agree-----to be a fascinating belief system  relative
to the foundations of human health....
outlined and supported by the life-work  of a group of truly dedicated

                          Namaste,  Brooks Bradley.

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