Thanks for this Del--it is scary!  I have mine in the freezer but the lid is 
tightly closed so none gets out.  It is also in a cardboard tube.  Do you think 
I should take it out of there?  I can't wait to get rid of it actually - and 
just go back to 3% as I am a bit of a coward about things combustible!  dee

On 15 Apr 2010, at 03:16, Del wrote:

> Dee, 11 to 1 is the correct ratio for turning 35% to 3%.
> Take a 1/4 cup measurer (that should be 2 oz), fill it with 35% h2o2, put it 
> in a 24 oz bottle (mason jar?), then fill the jar the rest of the way with 
> distilled water.  That should be a 3% solution. But watch out, because three 
> percent of real h2o2 is much livelier (read more active) than 3% from the 
> drug store based on my experience.  It will turn your skin white if given a 
> chance, but that is not damaging, just rinse it off and it will soon return 
> to normal.  Drug store h2o2 will do that too, just not as readily.  By the 
> way, 35% should be refrigerated to maintain potency, but I have kept it in my 
> basement during the summer and it did not weaken noticeably - however, you 
> need to leave the top loose so that it can outgas, otherwise you might have 
> an exploding bottle.
> Del
> -

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