Old Posts - not sure of year - "Properties" says April 2009 but I'm not sure I believe it. Certainly Daddybob's experience is way older than that - probably closer to the time I joined the list, some 7 years ago perhaps. - Ah, six years - I see DB says 2004.


Add one teaspoon xylitol to 8 ounces of Cs and stir till dissolved. You may add a few drops or 1/5 teaspoon DMSO or MSM if available-makes it a little more effective. Put the solution in an old nasal spray bottle or in a Neti cup for usage-or just lie on your back and use a dropper

I have been using this formula plus 4 drops Grapefruit Seed Extract, plus a t of H2O2 since November of 2003 in the eyedropper plus personal humidifier. It helped but did not clear up my sinus infection. After reading JOH message of increasing DMSO to 15%, I increased DMSO to 20%. It burned but some blockage let go with 3 eyedroppers full of formula in each nostril and the formula went down my throat. It was not doing that before. Now I use only one dropper full for each 3 minute head over bed and then face down over edge of the bed. I added more CS to get the DMSO back down to 15%. I also have Asthma and a Hiatal Hernia which I am hoping will get better if I can clear up my sinus infection.


Dick said,
> Regarding the 35% H2O2, did you work up to 5 drops or just start out there, and did you increase the amount to 20 or 25 drops as some suggest, or always stay at 5? Also, did you always take it on an empty stomach? Sometimes it will make you nauseous if taken with food in your stomach, I understand.

My response: 5 drops in a glass of water rarely causes a feeling of nausea for me whether taken on an empty stomach or not. More than that can. One woman reported working up to 25 drops 3Xday (shudder), which erased her severe Candida symptoms. She said that 10 drops per day keeps the symptoms away. I could never do more than 10 drops in one glass of water without feeling nauseated. But I can drink 5 drops in water several times per day without any nausea. I would expect 10 drops or more to be more effective, but I am not willing to feel nauseated.

Someone said: > I mixed a fresh batch of 2 oz. CS and 1/4 teaspoon of Xylitol

Does Xylitol only come in one form? Liquid? Powder? Only one strength or potency? That would be an important consideration if using "1/4 teaspoon". Stevia comes in a variety of forms (powder, liquid, herbal), so 1/4 tsp would only apply to a particular form. Is the same true of Xylitol?

From: daddybob52954 Subject: CS & Xylitol vs. Sinus Infection I've got a story to tell about CS & Xylitol nasal spray. It's one of the most interesting things I have seen happen in such a short time. I'm posting this to several groups and forums to which I subscribe. Somebody will need this. I've not had a full blown cold or flu for about 3 years. In that time I have successfully avoided them usually with CS, Bragg's Vinegar, and Four Thieves Vinegar made with Bragg's, and other things as well. Those that I haven't avoided altogether by those methods, I have successfully killed off quickly with Beck Blood Electrification (BE). This winter I have headed off the flu for a week, then finally killed it with BE, and had a herx the next day. About 3 weeks ago I killed off a little cold a couple of days after I caught it with only a few sniffles. It has been a cold, wet 10 weeks here since the first of the year, with lots of colds and flu passing through. The weather has worked hard on my livelihood and my attitude, and I have gotten slack about all my precautions. Several days ago I knew I was exposed to a nasty cold. I knew to get started with all my precautions but I just plain didn't do it. By Friday 3-5-04 I was getting a nasty scratchy throat. Whatever this crud is, it starts that way instead of in the roof of my mouth like usual. I used my Walgreen's Personal Ultrasonic Humidifier with CS to fix the closing-in-feeling in my throat. The next day, Saturday, it migrated to my sinuses. It put me on the couch by Sat. night and all day Sunday 3-7. I did all my usual stuff religiously. By Monday I was ambulatory but not well. Tuesday 3-9 I had most of my strength back. It was over late that day. BUT! I couldn't stay out of the weather because of the demands of work, and a sinus infection began to form. I haven't had one in over 4 years. I fought it first with a nasal spray of CS/MSM/H2O2/Xylitol but it wasn't doing too much. I then fought it with nasal spray of 2 oz. CS & 1/3 dropper of DMSO. That helped ! a lot and nearly knocked it out, until the weather got colder and work demanded that I stay outside. After being out in cold winds Fri. & Sat., my left sinus was impacted and I sounded like a foghorn. My left upper teeth were all starting to ache around my root canals. It was getting bad. I knew by Sat. afternoon that I had to try something different. I mean it was getting BAD and I have the medical history to know what bad is. It was then that I remembered about using Xylitol as a decongestant. Oops, the FDA won't let anyone say that will they? You have to call it a "Nasal Wash". What hogwash. Also, in Finland, the antibacterial properties of Xylitol are well proven. I mixed a fresh batch of 2 oz. CS and ΒΌ teaspoon of Xylitol, and immediately began nasally inhaling all I could stand. At least when this stuff runs down the back of your throat, it's sweet! To describe fully what happened in the next 10 minutes would sound disgusting. You've all seen it. Let it suffice to say that the drainage was immediate and overwhelming. For nearly 10 minutes all I could do was blow my nose and inhale more of the mixture. When it was over I was breathing fully, all drainage was gone, all mucous was gone and my voice was normal. In all the 17 years of suffering from Chronic Sinusitis I never, ever saw anything like this from any kind of medicine. That was 24 hours ago. It's still all gone. The pain was gone in an hour and has stayed gone. In all the 17 years of suffering from Chronic Sinusitis I never, ever saw anything like this from any kind of medicine. Despite the many life changing alternative therapies that I have used to wonderful effect in the past nearly 5 years, I've never seen anything this rapidly dramatic. In ten minutes I cured a sinus infection. Any downside? Yeah. Some who know me from years past on these forums know that my miracle started with MSM healing a Chronic Sinus Infection over a period of several days starting back on 7-13-99. That incident made me really bitter at the doctors who had treated me for years with loads of antibiotics, all to no avail, and to the eventual loss of some of my hearing and the affliction of tinnitus that I am still stuck with. Downside? The flood of emotion all over again, now realizing how fantastically wonderful this treatment is, juxtaposed with the knowledge that people still suffer every day at the hands of the same sort of people that treated me. I better stop now. I better go take a walk. Daddybob

Add one teaspoon xylitol to 8 ounces of Cs and stir till dissolved. You may add a few drops or 1/5 teaspoon DMSO or MSM if available-makes it a little more effective. Put the solution in an old nasal spray bottle or in a Neti cup for usage-or just lie on your back and use a dropper

I have been using this formula plus 4 drops Grapefruit Seed Extract, plus a t of H2O2 since November of 2003 in the eyedropper plus personal humidifier. It helped but did not clear up my sinus infection. After reading JOH message of increasing DMSO to 15%, I increased DMSO to 20%. It burned but some blockage let go with 3 eyedroppers full of formula in each nostril and the formula went down my throat. It was not doing that before. Now I use only one dropper full for each 3 minute head over bed and then face down over edge of the bed. I added more CS to get the DMSO back down to 15%. I also have Asthma and a Hiatal Hernia which I am hoping will get better if I can clear up my sinus infection.


Interesting! But you'd be on your own if you do. When I first nebulized with CS & MSM, the CS didn't concern me but the MSM did. I was desperate enough to try though. I eventually found out that the MSM aided the process.

The thought that comes to mind is- what if these otherwise solid crystalline materials were to re-precipitate in the lungs? But I guess it doesn't happen if we use very small amounts.

MSM has a drying effect on mucous. I think that's part of how it helps- germs need moisture to thrive, and can't do so it a drier environment.

Xylitol has a moistening and loosening effect on mucous. It works not only by its own germ killing properties, but by causing the expulsion of infected mucous (fast!). Maybe it would actually help with congested airways, but here's what I would bet: I would bet it could cause a person with heavy mucous in the airways to have violent upheavals of it. That very well may not be a good thing in a weakened state.

Be careful. Try maybe a little, but remember- if little do a little good, lot don't always do a lotta good. DB

I, too, have been making and marketing Xyllergy in 2 oz. bottles for 2 months. It's a .2 m solution of xylitol in 10 ppm CS. Lots of sales. I gave this list the formula 60 days ago. In addition to using CS drips and/or spray, an indispensable therapeutic tool for dealing with chronic sinus problems is the Grossan sinus irrigator. There is nothing else that I am aware of that does what this does. We use it with the Grossan Breathe*easeXL which is very effective. You can purchase a full system from the Grossan website (www.grossan.com), or you can just buy the Grossan nasal tip and use it with a standard water pik. The web site has a ton of good information on drug-free treatment of the sinus. Another very useful item is the Nutra-Biotic saline nasal spray containing 1% GSE. Used in conjunction with CS and the Grossan irrigator, and you can successfully treat chronic sinus problems without drugs.

I have been adding Xylitol powder to my nose spray all summer, it really works for me, I got the idea when I seen the nose spray advertised on the Xylitol order page and they added vitamin C to preserve it, I wondered if CS would do the same...It did, and I also add Emu oil (a few drops) and some pure aloe vera juice (grow it yourself) I have tried a couple drops of Lugol's Iodine as well it seems to speed the relief some? (test to make sure your not allergic to iodine first) This is my experiment for myself, your free to experiment yourself, but I do not recommend anything, except to kiss the FDA's Butt. After all they were handed Xylitol back in 1974, but failed to recommend it, Xylitol is the # one sweetener in Europe today, as it has only 2 calories and 0 carbs per tea spoon...I love it ! Check it out on your own. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=+Xylitol&btnG=Google+Search Tel Tofflemire Dewey AZ

In my previous post I did not mean to imply that the sinusitis was cured, but is under good control. To effect a complete cure I believe this will be a long term protocol. Xylitol is not a bactericide/ germicide, but has the effect of making cells and tissues so slippery that the pathogens[whatever they are] are unable to stay attached; and are consequently washed away. When they are loosened[as mucous] then the CS and H202 can get at and destroy them. The MSM among other things is a mild pain killer and helps to ease the sinus pain. My attempts in the past at using just straight CS had limited effect on the sinus. This protocol may have been helped with us chewing Xylitol gum after each meal also. I hope this helps. Harold

Thanks for that post. My history of Chronic Sinusitis is very similar to yours, and I too think I passed it to my wife. She's never been prone to have it as bad as I was, but she still has some of it, at least partly because she has not gone to the extremes I have to get rid of it. We have long used CS & MSM as a nasal spray, but your formula is something I'm going to try for her. The addition of Xylitol - how did you think of that? Was that original with you? I know it's proven to reduce oral plaque and decay. Does its sweetness make this any more pleasant to inhale? Thanks, Daddybob

I have found this mix to be very effective for severe chronic Sinusitis in treating two cases. I mix 50 ml of CS with 500 mgs of MSM,500 mgs of Xylitol powder plus [30] thirty drops of 3% H2O2.This mixture is put into a nasal pump mister and up to 15 pumps into each nostril and sniffing while blocking the other nostril. After each nostril is treated, the head should be held at a lower elevation so that the mix can run into the sinus cavities. This protocol should be used the same way that ABXs are used, for a long enough time [even if the symptoms seem to be gone] to make sure the good results remain. This has proven to be very good for this particular case; approx. 10 years ago broad spectrum ABXs were given to try to cure a long standing sinus problem; the first try did no good, so a second and a third were tried. This was of no avail and all that happened was that all the Good flora in the gut was destroyed which led to many years of gastro-intestinal distress, with all the attendant problems. This sinus problem escalated into a miserable problem and the Drs would not even talk about it eventually. Then to add insult to injury, this sinus problem ,which can be contagious, was transmitted to the spouse. The above treatment has been the only thing that has alleviated this misery in many a year. AND; if you have guessed this couple has been my wife and me, you are correct. Harold

Hey Brooks and everyone else, around here we have an alternative to Gatorade called SmartWater. It's made by Glaceau. Here's what's in it:

Ingredients: vapor distilled water + electrolytes (calcium chloride, magnesium chloride and potassium bicarbonate).

>> What can I put in CS to help it penetrate
>> The nasal passage, using CS in nasal spray bottle.
>> Looking for way to battle numerous sinus infections.
>> Looking for some thing simple.
>> How about a drop or 2 of DMSO or Peroxide.
>> Bob

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